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The data copy tool (CopyS) lets you transfer data easily between different types of source. For example, it can be used to retrieve AS/400 file data into a PC-based SQL database (DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, etc.).


The tool uses a generic engine capable of dynamically loading function libraries to enable physical access to data.


The following data types are currently supported:

  • AS/400 files,

  • PC-based SQL databases (DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, etc.),

  • Btrieve files,

  • IXF files (IBM standardized exchange format),

  • Delimited ASCII files.



To open the data copy tool, you must either:

  • Select the Data copy tool option from the Visual/Web Runtime subfolder in the Adelia Studio folder.

  • Open an MS-DOS command window and enter the copys command.


The tool is set out as a multi-window wizard:

  1. Data source selection window.

  2. Data destination selection window.

  3. Log file management window.

  4. Data to transfer selection window.


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