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To work with a logical entity's integrity constraints, select the Constraints item from the context-sensitive menu (or click on the equivalent button) on the LDM/PDM window's Logical entities tab.


This dialog box enables you to work with the integrity constraints defined for a logical entity.



Integrity constraints

List of integrity constraints defined for the entity. The list displays the name of the constraint, its type and activity, specifying whether or not the constraint should be taken into consideration during PDM generation.




Opens a dialog box that lets you create a new integrity constraint.



Opens a dialog box that lets you display or modify the selected integrity constraint's general characteristics.

This button is only enabled if one or more integrity constraints in the list have been selected.



Opens a dialog box requesting confirmation before effectively deleting the selected integrity constraints.

Once validated, the list of integrity constraints is refreshed.



Prints the characteristics of the selected integrity constraints.



Enables the selected integrity constraints. These constraints are then taken into consideration when generating the PDM.

This button is only enabled if one or more disabled integrity constraints have been selected in the list.



Disables the selected integrity constraints. These constraints are no longer taken into consideration when generating the PDM.



Automatically suggests integrity constraints according to the CDM ("foreign key" type constraints) or to the values of the logical properties defined in the table (check constraints based on the list or value interval).


Create unique

Automatically creates the uniqueness constraints corresponding to the selected "Foreign key" constraints.

This button is only enabled if one or more "Foreign key" integrity constraints have been selected in the list.



This button closes the dialog box.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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