Contenu étiquetté
Chaque élément de contenu dans cette liste est étiquettée avec les étiquettes requises :
Pour ajouter une étiquette aux étiquettes requises, choisissez « + labelname » dans Étiquettes associées.
Pour supprimer une étiquette parmi les étiquettes requises, choisissez « - labelname » ci-dessus.
Properties of the RADIO BUTTON LIST Object (Adelia - EN - V14.04)
- action_move_bottom_side
- action_move_left_side
- action_move_right_side
- action_move_top_side
- active
- background_color
- width
- read_only
- value
- visibility
- overlap
- text
- radiobuttonlist
- fixed_horizontal_space
- buttons_text_color
- frame_visibility
- horizontal_space
- nb_buttons
- nb_buttons_per_line
- read_buttons_text_color
- ref_val
- text_of_buttons
- vertical_space
- top_margin
- read_background_color
- read_text_color
- font
- group_beginning
- height
- horizontal_adjustment
- name
- tab_stop
- text_color
- vertical_adjustment
- x_axis
- y_axis
- tooltip_active
- tooltip_background_color
- tooltip_bottom_margin
- tooltip_center_adjust
- tooltip_delete_ampersand
- tooltip_display_duration
- tooltip_font
- tooltip_left_margin
- tooltip_max_width
- tooltip_permanently_active
- tooltip_right_margin
- tooltip_text_color
- tooltip_time_before_appearance
- tooltip_top_margin
- left_margin
- header_font
Properties of the PUSH BUTTON Object (Adelia - EN - V14.04)
- action_move_bottom_side
- action_move_left_side
- action_move_right_side
- action_move_top_side
- active
- width
- pushbutton
- visibility
- text
- font
- group_beginning
- height
- horizontal_adjustment
- name
- tab_stop
- vertical_adjustment
- x_axis
- y_axis
- multiline
- default_button
- help_button
- tooltip_active
- tooltip_background_color
- tooltip_bottom_margin
- tooltip_center_adjust
- tooltip_delete_ampersand
- tooltip_display_duration
- tooltip_font
- tooltip_left_margin
- tooltip_max_width
- tooltip_permanently_active
- tooltip_right_margin
- tooltip_text
- tooltip_text_color
- tooltip_time_before_appearance
- tooltip_top_margin
Properties of the PROGRESS BAR Object (Adelia - EN - V14.04)
- action_move_bottom_side
- action_move_left_side
- action_move_right_side
- action_move_top_side
- active
- background_color
- double_outlines
- width
- visibility
- progressbar
- indicator_color
- indicator_value
- smooth_indicator_bar
- orientation
- embedded_outlines
- group_beginning
- height
- horizontal_adjustment
- name
- static_outlines
- vertical_adjustment
- x_axis
- y_axis
- max_value
- min_value
- step_value
Properties of the PIE Object (Adelia - EN - V14.04)
- action_move_bottom_side
- action_move_left_side
- action_move_right_side
- action_move_top_side
- active
- width
- pie
- visibility
- type
- title_text_color
- connect_label
- depth
- graphic_backgrnd_color
- graphic_style
- graphic_text_color
- label_bold_font
- label_font
- label_italic_font
- label_same_color
- label_size
- label_underlined_font
- label_value
- legend_backgrnd_color
- legend_bold_font
- legend_font
- legend_italic_font
- legend_size
- legend_style
- legend_text_color
- legend_underlined_font
- no_label
- point_click
- slope
- style_position
- title
- title_backgrnd_color
- title_bold_font
- title_font
- title_italic_font
- title_size
- title_style
- title_underlined_font
- height
- horizontal_adjustment
- name
- vertical_adjustment
- x_axis
- y_axis
Properties of the OUTPUT FIELD Object (Adelia - EN - V14.04)
Properties of the LIST Object (Adelia - EN - V14.04)
- action_move_bottom_side
- action_move_left_side
- action_move_right_side
- action_move_top_side
- active
- background_color
- dd_drop_allowed
- width
- first_line_visible
- graphical_step
- rolldown_dyn_pagin
- rollup_dyn_pagin
- list
- visibility
- overlap
- list_bgo
- tooltip_h_scroll_bar
- tooltip_v_scroll_bar
- visible_line
- refresh_status
- auto_rollup_pagin_mode
- column_resizing
- copy_visible_columns
- current_column_number
- current_line_number
- differentiate_even_odd
- even_line_back_col
- even_line_text_col
- first_column_visible
- grid_color
- grid_line
- grid_type
- header_background_col
- header_dark_col
- header_height
- header_light_col
- header_txt_col
- hidden_scroll_bars
- line_height
- mouse_column_number
- mouse_line_number
- move_columns
- move_next
- next_column_number
- next_line_number
- number_auto_rollup_dyn
- number_selected_rows
- odd_line_back_col
- odd_line_txt_col
- permanent_edit_mode
- permanent_scroll_bars
- replace_edit_mode
- select_line_background_color
- select_line_text_color
- selection_mode
- sort_on_header
- group_beginning
- height
- horizontal_adjustment
- name
- tab_stop
- vertical_adjustment
- x_axis
- y_axis
- border
- tooltip_background_color
- tooltip_font
- tooltip_text_color
- tooltip_time_before_appearance
- transparent
- mono_selection
- tooltip_display
Properties of the LINE CHART Object (Adelia - EN - V14.04)
- action_move_bottom_side
- action_move_left_side
- action_move_right_side
- action_move_top_side
- active
- width
- linechart
- visibility
- rotation
- distance
- type
- depth
- graphic_backgrnd_color
- graphic_style
- graphic_text_color
- label_bold_font
- label_font
- label_italic_font
- label_size
- label_underlined_font
- legend_backgrnd_color
- legend_bold_font
- legend_font
- legend_italic_font
- legend_size
- legend_style
- legend_text_color
- legend_underlined_font
- point_click
- slope
- height
- horizontal_adjustment
- name
- vertical_adjustment
- x_axis
- y_axis
- main_title_bold_font
- main_title_font
- main_title_italic_font
- main_title_size
- main_title_style
- main_title_text_color
- main_title_underlined_font
- marks_style
- other_titles_bold_font
- other_titles_font
- other_titles_italic_font
- other_titles_size
- other_titles_underlined_font
- right_title
- right_title_backgrnd_color
- right_title_position
- right_title_style
- right_title_text_color
- show_x_grid
- show_x_labels
- show_x_markers
- show_y_grid
- show_y_labels
- show_y_markers
- store_x_labels
- store_x_markers
- symbol_on_point
- thin_edges
- walls_color
- x_differenciated_markers
- x_grid_color
- x_grid_line
- x_max_scale
- x_min_scale
- x_position
- x_scale
- x_scale_nb_marks
- x_vertical_labels
- y_axis_stick
- y_differenciated_markers
- y_error_bar
- y_error_value
- y_max_scale
- y_min_scale
- y_neg_pos_bar
- y_position
- y_scale
- y_scale_nb_marks
- z_interval
- 3d_effects
- activated_data_labels
- axes_color
- back
- bottom_title
- bottom_title_backgrnd_color
- bottom_title_style
- bottom_title_text_color
- clicked_series
- data_label_color
- data_label_coloring
- edges_color
- label_type
- left_title
- left_title_backgrnd_color
- left_title_position
- left_title_style
- left_title_text_color
- legend_position
- line_between_point
- logarithmic_axis
- main_title
- main_title_backgrnd_color
Properties of the IMAGE Object (Adelia - EN - V14.04)
Properties of the ICON_GRID Object (Adelia - EN - V14.04)
- action_move_bottom_side
- action_move_left_side
- action_move_right_side
- action_move_top_side
- active
- background_color
- width
- visibility
- icon_grid
- columns
- icon_text_visibility
- notification_background_color
- notification_text_color
- page_count
- rows
- text_shadow
- title_height
- title_position
- shadow_color
- font
- horizontal_adjustment
- name
- text_color
- vertical_adjustment
- x_axis
- y_axis
- border
- image_height
- image_width
- current_page