Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.




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CTRL+D Sends to the nearer declaration paragraph .
Pressing it again brings you back to the line where you was before.
CTRL+SHIFT+D Sends to the  program declaration paragraph
Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+D again  brings you back to the line you were before.
CTRL+SHIFT+I Indent the selected part of your source code ( don't indent all the source code as it would break all manual source code alignments)
CTRL+ALT+S Change selected lines to the server part (red line on the left) 
CTRL+ALT+L Change selected lines to the client part (remove the red line on the left, opposite of  CTRL+ALT+S
CTRL+SHIFT+F Open the Adelia Multisearch menu
CTRL+SHIFT+V Runs the Verification action, to check if  the Adelia code is valid
CTRL+SHIFT+G creates in compile job in the Adelia job manager
CTRL+F3 Search for the selected text in the code. works as well for selected procedures.
F3 Jump to the next code line which contains the search string.
SHIFT+F3 Jump to the previous code line which contains the search string.
F8 Jump to the next code line with an error detected by AdeliaStudio verification.

Jump to the previous code line with an error detected by AdeliaStudio verification.



create and remove line bookmarks
navigate forth and backwards through line bookmarks


used when the cursor is on a variable or other Adelia object in the editor. Jump to the declaration of this object.



Don't indent all the source (CTRL+SHIFT+S) as it would break all manual source alignments.



1 - Reference declarations

When  declaring variables  it is better to declare in reference to another variable or property (of an LDM). If the LDM is not used in the program, you can also specify that the property belongs to a LDM in the REF order.


Bloc de code
/* ___ Variables declarations ___________________________________________________________
REF(A5_COD_ARTICLE) 			  w_COD_ARTICLE_1 										/* defining the w_COD_ARTICLE_1 as the A5_COD_ARTICLE
REF(w_COD_ARTICLE_2)			  w_COD_ARTICLE_3 										/* defining the w_COD_ARTICLE_3 as the w_COD_ARTICLE_2 variable

/* ___ Lists declarations _______________________________________________________________
LIST LST_ART_ALC_1  *REF_LDM(HL_ART_ALCOOL)												/* defining a list with all the properties of the HL_ART_ALCOOL ldm
LIST LST_ART_ALC_2  *REF_LDM(HL_ART_ALCOOL) *REF_LDM(HL_ART_LANGUE) 					/* defining a list with all the properties of the HL_ART_ALCOOL ldm and the HL_ART_LANGUE ldm
LIST LST_ART_ALC_3  *REF_LDM(HL_ART_ALCOOL) *REF_LDM(HL_ART_LANGUE) w_COD_ARTICLE_1		/* defining a list with all the properties of the HL_ART_ALCOOL ldm and the HL_ART_LANGUE ldm plus the w_COD_ARTICLE_1 variable

2 - Size of variables

1 - ALPHA variables

Alpha variables range from 1 to 8386552 .


Bloc de code
/* ___ Variables declarations ___________________________________________________________
ALPHA(    35) 			  MyVariable1
ALPHA(  2205) 			  MyVariable2
ALPHA(    5K) 			  MyVariable3
ALPHA(    7M) 			  MyVariable4

1 - NUM_E variables

NUM_E variables are defined with a Total Length value and a decimal value : NUM_E(totalLengthValue, decimalValue)


Bloc de code
/* ___ Variables declarations ___________________________________________________________
NUM_E(   8,0) 			  MyNum1		/*  8 digits,  8 for the integer part, 0 for the decimal part
NUM_E(  15,3) 			  MyNum2	    /* 15 digits, 12 for the integer part, 3 for the decimal part
NUM_E(   5,5) 			  MyNum3        /*  5 digits,  0 for the integer part, 5 for the decimal part



Constants must be used in order to replace an hard coded value in a code.

A constant can be used for a displayed text value, an action code value, a return code value, etc.

1 - Definition

To define a new constant, simply go the the L4G editor , Repository menu , Constant dictionary line (or press F9 )


  • The name should be a representative name for the constant,
  • the value is what should replace the constant in the code,
  • the "Translatable constant checkbox is used when a constant must be translated (for example for a text value)

2 - Usage

Examples of consant usages :

Bloc de code
/* ___ Code without constants ___________________________________________________________
if codeAction = 'CR'
  btn_action:text = 'Create'
  btn_action:text = 'Modify'
returnCode = 'EX'

/* ___ Code with constants ______________________________________________________________
if codeAction = _ACTION_CREATION
  btn_action:text = _TEXT_CREATE
  btn_action:text = _TEXT_MODIFY
returnCode = _RETURN_EXIT


Numerical values

1 - Rounded values

To calculate a rounded value , we can use the letter  H in front of the = sign. 
Without the H operator the result will simply be truncated .
The H character instruction is for "Half adjustment" .
Results in the range 0 to 0.49 will be rounded down to 0 , and results between 0.50 and 0.99 will be rounded up to 1 .


Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
NUM_E( 3,0) x 
NUM_E( 3,0) y 

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
x  = 2 / 3                          /* x will contain 0
y H= 2 / 3                          /* y will contain 1

2 - Remainder calculation

To retrieves the remainder in a mathematical division we can use the remainder instruction
The instruction remainder must be placed immediately after the arithmetical expression of the division .

titleTip :

The Modulo predefined function can now be used instead of the remainder instruction !


Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
NUM_E( 3,0) x 
NUM_E( 3,0) y 

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
x  = 10 / 3                         /* x will contain 3
remainder y                         /* y will contain 1

3 - Modulo calculation

To calculate the modulo between a numerator and its divisor we can use the &modulo predefined function .
This predefined function can be used instead of the remainder instruction. 


Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
NUM_E( 3,0) x 
NUM_E( 3,0) y 

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
x  = 10                          /* x will contain 3
y  = &modulo(x;3)                /* y will contain 1


Adelia framework

1 - Visual program

A visual program is constituted with a number of paragraph : 


Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
   /* global variables, DS, lists, cursors, parameters declarations

   INITIALIZE WIN_2205			/* call the paragraph to load the data
   EXECUTE    WIN_2205          /* show the window to the user

      /* window variables, DS, lists, cursors, parameters declarations
      /* code to execute before displaying the window
           VERIFY                /* call the verification paragraph
           VALIDATE              /* call the validation paragraph
           TERMINATE             /* end the window process
      /* code to verify the data entered in the window by a user
      SEND_MSG *CLR_ALL          /* clear the error messages
      if [errorCondition for object ZZ_JLP]
         prepare_msg hl21734 ZZ_JLP
         init_msg ZZ_JLP
      /* code to store the data in the database after verification
      UPD_SQL or CREATE_SQL or ...



1 - Definition

A procedure is a block of code we can call from inside a program or from outside a program if the procedure is public.

2 - Parameters

3 - Calling a procedure 


String functions

1 - Concatenate alphanumerical variables

To concatenate two (or more variables) you can use the // or /// operator.


Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
ALPHA( 10) wLeft 
ALPHA( 10) wRight
ALPHA( 20) wText1 
ALPHA( 20) wText2 
ALPHA( 20) wText3 

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
wLeft  = 'Hello'
wRight = 'World' 
wText1 = wLeft //  wRight						/* wText1 = 'Hello     World     '
wText2 = wLeft /// wRight						/* wText2 = 'HelloWorld          '
wText3 = wLeft /// ' ' // wRight				/* wText3 = 'Hello World         '

2 - How to split a string according to a separator

In order to split a string into different strings (to a list of strings in reality) according to a separator, you simply have to use the  SPLIT_STRING instruction :

Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
alpha(  50) elementDay
list        lst_days elementDay
alpha(1000) myDays

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
myDays = 'Sunday;Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday;Saturday'
split_string myDays ';' lst_days
	/* the list "lst_days" will contain 7 elements : 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'

3 - How to replace a part of a string

In order to replace a substring in a string, you simply have to use the  SCAN_REPLACE  instruction :

Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
alpha(1000) myDays
alpha(1000) myDaysModified
alpha(  56) mySearchString
alpha(  78) myReplacementString

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
myDays              = 'Sunday;Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday;Saturday'
mySearchString      = ';'
myReplacementString = ' , '
myDaysModified      = *blank
scan_replace myDays mySearchString myReplacementString myDaysModified
	/* the string myDaysModified will contain 'Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday'

4 - How to add a "carriage return" in a string in order to have a return to the line in a screen.

In order to add a "return" to an alphanumerical variable, you should create a "CR" (carriage return) + "LF" (line feed) string and add it to your alphanumerical variable.


The multi-line property of the text object should be checked if you want to see the line return.


Date, Time and Timestamp

1 - Calculating dates, time and timestamp values

In order to calculate Date, Time and Timestamps, we can use the following functions


Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
date        myDate
date        myNewDate
time_t      MyTime
time_t      MyNewTime
timestamp   MyTimestamp
timestamp   MyNewTimestamp

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
myNewDate = &calculate_date(myDate;1;'Y')                   /* add 1 Year to myDate
myNewDate = &calculate_date(myDate;-6;'M')                  /* substract 6 Months to myDate
myNewDate = &calculate_date(myDate;40;'D')                  /* add 40 Days to myDate

myNewTime = &calculate_time(myTime;1;'H')                   /* add 1 Hours to myTime
myNewTime = &calculate_time(myTime;-6;'M')                  /* substract 6 Minutes to myTime
myNewTime = &calculate_time(myTime;40;'S')                  /* add 40 Seconds to myTime

myNewTimestamp = &calculate_tms(myTimestamp;1;'Y ')         /* add 1 Year to myTimestamp
myNewTimestamp = &calculate_tms(myTimestamp;-6;'M ')        /* substract 6 Months myTimestamp
myNewTimestamp = &calculate_tms(myTimestamp;40;'D ')        /* add 40 Days to myTimestamp
myNewTimestamp = &calculate_tms(myTimestamp;1;'H ')         /* add 1 Hours to myTimestamp
myNewTimestamp = &calculate_tms(myTimestamp;-6;'MI')        /* substract 6 Minutes to myTimestamp
myNewTimestamp = &calculate_tms(myTimestamp;40;'S ')        /* add 40 Seconds to myTimestamp
myNewTimestamp = &calculate_tms(myTimestamp;-30;'MS')       /* substract 30 Seconds to myTimestamp

2 - Calculating intervals between dates, time and timestamp values

In order to calculate intervals between Dates, Times and Timestamps, we can use the following functions


Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
date        myDate1
date        myDate2
time_t      myTime1
time_t      myTime2
timestamp   myTimestamp1
timestamp   myTimestamp2
num_e(9,0)  myInterval1
num_e(9,0)  myInterval2
num_e(15,0) myInterval3

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
myInterval1 = &date_interval(myDate1;myDate2)                /* number of days between myDate1 and myDate2 (can be a negative number if myDate1 if greater than myDate2)
myInterval2 = &time_interval(myTime1;myTime2)                /* number of seconds between myTime1 and myTime2 (can be a negative number if myTime1 if greater than myTime2)

myInterval3 = &tms_interval(myTimestamp1;myTimestamp2;'Y ')   /* number of years between myTimestamp1 and myTimestamp2 (can be a negative number if myTimestamp1 if greater than myTimestamp2)
myInterval3 = &tms_interval(myTimestamp1;myTimestamp2;'M ')   /* number of months between myTimestamp1 and myTimestamp2 (can be a negative number if myTimestamp1 if greater than myTimestamp2)
myInterval3 = &tms_interval(myTimestamp1;myTimestamp2;'D ')   /* number of days between myTimestamp1 and myTimestamp2 (can be a negative number if myTimestamp1 if greater than myTimestamp2)
myInterval3 = &tms_interval(myTimestamp1;myTimestamp2;'H ')   /* number of hours between myTimestamp1 and myTimestamp2 (can be a negative number if myTimestamp1 if greater than myTimestamp2)
myInterval3 = &tms_interval(myTimestamp1;myTimestamp2;'MI')   /* number of minutes between myTimestamp1 and myTimestamp2 (can be a negative number if myTimestamp1 if greater than myTimestamp2)
myInterval3 = &tms_interval(myTimestamp1;myTimestamp2;'S ')   /* number of seconds between myTimestamp1 and myTimestamp2 (can be a negative number if myTimestamp1 if greater than myTimestamp2)
myInterval3 = &tms_interval(myTimestamp1;myTimestamp2;'MS')   /* number of microseconds between myTimestamp1 and myTimestamp2 (can be a negative number if myTimestamp1 if greater than myTimestamp2)



1 - Transforming an alpha variable to an image variable

If an image variable should contains a text, it is possible to transform the content of an alpha variable to an image variable in the following way : 

Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
alpha( 100) fileAlias
alpha(  10) fileMode
alpha(5000) myAlpha
image       myImage
num_bin_4   nb4ReturnCode

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
myAlpha   = 'my text to be transformed to an image variable (2205)
fileAlias = 'myTransformation'
fileMode  = 'w'

load_dll   'VATOOLBX.DLL'
call_dll   'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxOpenFile' fileAlias myImage fileMode nb4ReturnCode
call_dll   'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxWriteString' fileAlias myAlpha nb4ReturnCode
call_dll   'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxCloseFile' fileAlias nb4ReturnCode
unload_dll 'VATOOLBX.DLL'

/* the myImage variable now contains the alpha text from the myAlpha variable.

2 - Transforming a image variable to an alpha variable 

If an Image variable contains only text, it is possible to transform the Image variable to an alpha variable with the following code :

Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
alpha( 100) fileAlias
alpha(  10) fileMode
num_bin_4   fileSize
alpha(5000) myAlpha
image       myImage

num_bin_4   nb4ReturnCode

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
fileAlias = 'myTransformation'
fileMode  = 't'
fileSize  = 5000

load_dll   'VATOOLBX.DLL'
call_dll   'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxOpenFile' fileAlias myImage fileMode nb4ReturnCode
call_dll   'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxWriteString' fileAlias myAlpha nb4ReturnCode
call_dll   'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxReadFile' fileAlias myAlpha fileSize nb4ReturnCode
call_dll   'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxCloseFile' fileAlias nb4ReturnCode
unload_dll 'VATOOLBX.DLL'

/* the myAlpha variable now contains the alpha text from the myImage variable.
/* the fileSize contains the real number of characters from the image variable.



1 - Declarations

A list can be declared with variables , or in reference to a logical entity , or in reference to another list , or a combination of those elements .

Bloc de code
/* ___ Lists declarations _______________________________________________________________
LIST LST_EXAMPLE    ELT_ONE ELT_TWO ELT_2205											/* defining a list with single elements defined previously, here ELT_ONE, ELT_TWO and ELT_2205 variables
LIST LST_ART_ALC_2  *REF_LDM(HL_ART_ALCOOL)												/* defining a list with all the properties of the HL_ART_ALCOOL ldm
LIST LST_ART_ALC_3  *REF_LDM(HL_ART_ALCOOL) *REF_LDM(HL_ART_LANGUE) 					/* defining a list with all the properties of the HL_ART_ALCOOL ldm and the HL_ART_LANGUE ldm
LIST LST_ART_ALC_4  *REF_LDM(HL_ART_ALCOOL) *REF_LDM(HL_ART_LANGUE) w_COD_ARTICLE_1		/* defining a list with all the properties of the HL_ART_ALCOOL ldm and the HL_ART_LANGUE ldm plus the w_COD_ARTICLE_1 variable
LIST LST_ART_ALC_5  *REF_L(LST_ART_ALC_4) ELT_2205		                           		/* defining a list with all the properties of the LST_ART_ALC_4 list plus the ELT_2205 variable

2 - List usage

1 - Add elements

A list is a structured object in memory with columns, it's like a table but in memory.


Bloc de code
/* ___ Lists usage _______________________________________________________________
ELT_ONE  = 1
ELT_TWO  = 2
ELT_2205 = 2205

INSERT_ELT LST_EXAMPLE *BEGIN										/* to insert an element in the list at the start of the list 
INSERT_ELT LST_EXAMPLE *END											/* to insert an element in the list at the end of the list (as it is the default value, it can be omitted)
INSERT_ELT LST_EXAMPLE *BEFORE  									/* to insert an element in the list before the current element
INSERT_ELT LST_EXAMPLE *AFTER  										/* to insert an element in the list after the current element
INSERT_ELT LST_EXAMPLE *SORT(ELT_2205 *DESC, ELT_TWO *ASC)			/* to insert an element in the list sorted by ELT_2205 descending, then ELT_TWO ascending (*ASC is default so it can be omitted)

INSERT_ELT LST_EXAMPLE *CHANGE										/* to insert an element AND make it a changed element (could be retrieved by a READ_LST LST_EXAMPLE *CHANGE ... END_READ_LST

2 - Parse a list

In order to parse a list , we can use the READ_LST loop. 


Bloc de code
/* ___ Lists usage _______________________________________________________________
READ_F_ELT LST_EXAMPLE 							/* we try to read the first element of the list (if it exists)
DO_WHILE &CODE_LST(LST_EXAMPLE) = *NORMAL		/* did the last operation on the list end successfully ?
  READ_NX_ELT LST_EXAMPLE						/* try to read the next element of the list

READ_L_ELT LST_EXAMPLE 							/* we try to read the last element of the list (if it exists)
DO_WHILE &CODE_LST(LST_EXAMPLE) = *NORMAL		/* did the last operation on the list end successfully ?
  READ_PR_ELT LST_EXAMPLE						/* try to read the next element of the list

3 - Parse a list using indexes

To parse a list to find an element (or from an element), we can create and use list indexes (with the LIST_INDEX instruction).


When an index is not needed more, we can destroy it (to release memory) with the  DELETE_INDEX instruction

4 - Operations on lists

To delete a list , we can use the CLEAR_LST instruction,


Bloc de code
/* ___ Lists usage _______________________________________________________________
CLEAR_LST LST_EXAMPLE							/* clear the list specified
COPY_LST  LST_ONE LST_TWO   					/* copy the content of the list LST_ONE in the list LST_TWO, 
												/* the two lists are identical at the end of the instruction, 
												/* the two lists must have the same structure
INSERT_LST LST_ONE LST_TWO						/* add the content of the first list to the second list
												/* by default the elements are added at the end, but we can specify *BEGIN, *END, *BEFORE, *AFTER
INSERT_LST LST_ONE LST_TWO *BEGIN				/* add the content of the first list at the start of the second list 
INSERT_LST LST_ONE LST_TWO *END					/* add the content of the first list at the end of the second list 
INSERT_LST LST_ONE LST_TWO *BEFORE				/* add the content of the first list just before the current element of the second list 
INSERT_LST LST_ONE LST_TWO *AFTER				/* add the content of the first list just before the current element of the second list 

SORT_LST LST_EXAMPLE ELT_2205 *DESC, ELT_ONE	/* sort the list on the ELT_2205 colum in descending order and then on ELT_ONE column ascending



1 - Null values

When reading information from the database, we sometimes have to deal with NULL values.


Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
num_bin_2   wIndAverage
num_e( 8,2) wAverageValue
num_bin_2   wIndMax
num_e( 8,2) wMaxValue

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
chain_sql employee *col(	average(age) 	:wAverageValue 	:wIndAverage, 	-
							max(age) 		:wMaxValue 		:wIndMax 		- 
				   *cond( name='milkwater')										/* search for the average and max age of employees with name equals to "milkwater" 
if wIndAverage = -1 
	/* no value for the average
	/* ...
if wIndMax = -1 
	/* no value for the maximum
	/* ...

2 - Locked records

One or several lines in a table can be locked. This is caused by a process which modified records in a table without committing the changes. The consequence is that no other process can modify the lines before the first commit or rollback was executed. Even a locked record can not be modified, it can be read by another database user.


Bloc de code
/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________

/* ___ Force Oracle to answer after a certain amount of time, even if the record is locked ______________________________
/* ___ Here we will have an answer after 5 seconds maximum. _____________________________________________________________
/* ___ The 'P' parameter means all the queries submitted during the session will have this timeout delay ________________
/* ___ A 'T' parameter would mean that only the next query submitted during the session would have this timeout delay ___

call_dll 'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxSetTimeOut' 5 'P' returnCodeBool

/* ___ Try to do an update to a database record ___

upd_sql employee age = age + 1 - 
				   *cond( name='milkwater')										 
if *locked = _RECORD_LOCKED
	/* the record(s) is(are) locked 
	/* the record(s) is(are) not locked and has been updated


Random values

In order to generate random values, we can use 2 functions of the VaToolBx package in Adelia.

  • VaToolBxSeedRand
  • VaToolBxRandom

1 - VaToolBxSeedRand

The VaToolBxSeedRand function is used to reset the pseudo-random number generator, which is used by the VaToolBxRandom function. 

2 - VaToolBxRandom

The VaToolBxRandom function is used to generate random values.
The result is a NUM_BIN_4 number between -2147483648 and 2147483647.
To have a value between 0 and X you can use  &ABSOLUTE_VALUE and &MODULO functions (see the example above)

3 - Example



Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
num_e(6,0) wTime
num_bin_4  wSeedValue
num_bin_4  wRandomValue

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________

/* ___ Generate a seed value ____________________________________________________________
time 		 wTime
wSeedValue = wTime
call_dll 'vatoolbx.dll' 'VaToolBxSeedRand' wSeedValue 

/* ___ Generate a random value __________________________________________________________
call_dll 'vatoolbx.dll' 'VaToolBxRandom'   wRandomValue

/* ___ Calculate a value between 1 and 10 _______________________________________________
wRandomValue = &absolute_value(wRandomValue)
wRandomValue = &modulo(wRandomValue;10)
wRandomValue = wRandomValue + 1


Dynamic program call

We can use the CALL instruction to call a dynamic program, with static or even dynamic parameters

1 - Dynamic call examples

Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
alpha(  10)  wProgramObjectFileName
alpha( 128)  wProgramPublicProcedureName
alpha(1000)  wParameters
num_e( 2,0)  myParameterNum01
num_e( 2,0)  myParameterNum02

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
call myProgram
call myProgram.myProcedure
myParameterNum01= 22
call myProgram.myProcedure2 myParameterNum01
myParameterNum01= 22
myParameterNum02= 05
call myProgram.myProcedure2 myParameterNum01 myParameterNum02

/* ___ Dynamic program name _____________________________________________________________
wProgramObjectFileName = 'mypgm'
call &wProgramObjectFileName 

wProgramObjectFileName      = 'mypgm'
call &wProgramObjectFileName.myProcedure

/* ___ Dynamic program name and public procedure name ___________________________________
wProgramObjectFileName      = 'mypgm'
wProgramPublicProcedureName = 'myProcedure'
call &wProgramObjectFileName.&wProgramPublicProcedureName

wProgramObjectFileName      = 'mypgm'
wProgramPublicProcedureName = 'myProcedure2'
myParameterNum01            = 22
call &wProgramObjectFileName.&wProgramPublicProcedureName myParameterNum

/* ___ Dynamic program name, procedure name and parameters ______________________________
wProgramObjectFileName      = 'mypgm'
wProgramPublicProcedureName = 'myProcedure2'
wParameters                 = '22 05'
call &wProgramObjectFileName.&wProgramPublicProcedureName &wParameters


Users's attribute

User session can be used to store and retrieve values.


It is only available in client part of a cloud generated program (not in a server part or in a server program or in a windows program).

1 - Set an attribute value

To set a session private attribute value, we simply have to use the  VaToolBxCloudSetUserAttribute fonction of the vaToolBx library :


The scope of this setting is limited to the current session (logout / logon will destroy all values).

2 - Retrieve an attribute value

To retrieve a session private attribute value, we simply have to use the  VaToolBxCloudGetUserAttribute fonction of the vaToolBx library :

Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
alpha( 50) wAttributeName
alpha(256) wAttributeValue
num_bin_4  wAttributeLength

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
wAttributeName   = 'myLabel'						/* Label 
wAttributeValue  = *blank
wAttributeLength = 256								/* Size of the wAttributeValue variable
call_dll 'VaToolBx' 'VaToolBxCloudGetUserAttribute' wAttributeName   -
                                                    wAttributeValue  -
if *return_code = *normal
   /* wAttributeValue contains the value previously saved

3 - Delete an attribute value

To delete a session private attribute value, we simply have to use the  VaToolBxCloudSetUserAttribute fonction of the vaToolBx library with a blank value :

Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
alpha( 50) wAttributeName
alpha(256) wAttributeValue

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
wAttributeName  = 'myLabel'							/* Label 
wAttributeValue = *blank							/* *blank to delete the label from the user's session
call_dll 'VaToolBx' 'VaToolBxCloudSetUserAttribute' wAttributeName  -


Management Rules

Management rules (MR) can be used if we don't want to repeat the same code on different parts of the code.
The management rule can have parameters and must be seen as a text that will be parsed inside the code.

1 - Parameters

The parameter 1 of the MR will be placed in place of the :01 value etc.
The :01 (:xx) value can be present multiple times inside the MR.
The :01 (:xx) value can be placed anywhere in the code, even to replace an Adelia order or part of it.

Bloc de code
titleExamples of code of a Management Rule
/* ___ Management Rule "My_Beautiful_MR" ________________________________________________

/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
decl alpha( 50)              w:01_val
decl ref(cli_usr_:02 client) wCli_usr_:02
decl num_e(9,0)              sqlcode_mr

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
wcli_usr_:02  = :03							
if wcli_usr_:02 = *blank 
	wcli_usr_:02 = *user
upd_sql client cli_usr_:02 = :wcli_usr_:02
sqlcode_mr = *sqlcode
:06 insert_mr BOL_TRC_:05('*DEBUG';'my beautiful MR, sqlCode : '//sqlcode_mr ;1)
:04 = sqlcode_mr 

2 - Usage

To use a MR, we simply have to insert it with the INSERT_MR order

Bloc de code
titleExamples of code of insertion of a Management Rule
/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
insert_mr my_beautiful_mr(test;cre;'milkwater';mrReturnCode;C; )
insert_mr my_beautiful_mr(test;maj;*blank;mrReturnCode;S;*)



Ressources are typically used to import "external" objects in the adelia environment.
The advantage to import an object in the adelia environment is that we don't need any more the external object to use it.
It will be saved also with the backup of the environment.

1 - Creation of a resource

A resource is defined with

  • name : public name of the object,
  • Type : must be object,
  • Program Type : where the program will be used (most of the time in windows and cloud clients)
  • File name : name of the file if it is exported
  • Destination : folder for the export of the resource (not used most of the time)

2 - Usage of a resource

In the BOL environment, the resources can be used for images.

When using an image (or icon) in a window, we should use a resource instead of importing the image from file system :

3 - Benefits of resources

When a resource is used (eventually in multiple programs), if we want to modify an object (image, icon, etc) , we just need to modify the resource, then analyze the resource in order to have the usage of the resource and generate the programs found.


For example, if we modify the "reduced icon" image, we just have to modify the resource used and generate the programs. We don't have to go to all the windows to change the Reduced Icon image again. 


Logical Data Model

1 - How to retrieve the name of the Adelia Logical Entity from the name of the Table

In order to retrieve the name of the Adelia Logical Entity from the real name of the table , we can use the Maintenance manager accessible from the Session manager .


Then, if we select File/Table as object attribute , Logical Entity as Object type , BOLLOGP* (for example) as File name and if we press Find button , the system will show us with all the Adelia Logical files that have this part of name in the physical name :

2 - Property naming convention

The short name starts with the entity prefix (in this case RH) followed by 4 characters.


The associated guide word, starts with a Z followed by the name of the property without the entity prefix.


Code tips

Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
num_e(3,0) wValue

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
if wValue = 1 or wValue = 5 or wValue = 8 then                  /* is equivalent to
if wValue = 1;5;8 then

if wValue <> 1 and wValue <> 5 and wValue <> 8 then             /* is equivalent to
if wValue <> 1;5;8 then


Search tips (using regular expression)

To search in the source code we can use L4G editor " File / Multisource search " function with the Regular expression check box selected.

1 - Search examples

Bloc de code
/* ___ Search for the string XML_OPEN ... *CHECK                               __________
/* ___ . means any character                                                   __________
/* ___ * means any number of times                                             __________
/* ___ .* means any character, any number of times                             __________
/* ___ \* means the special character * not interpreted as * (multiple)        __________

/* ___ Search for the string XML_OPEN ... 'XML' ... 'XML'                      __________
/* ___ . means any character                                                   __________
/* ___ * means any number of times                                             __________
/* ___ .* means any character, any number of times                             __________



BOL debugging

1 - Trace a value

2 - Trace an image value

Added a new bol_trc_imagea management rule to log IMAGE variables.


Bloc de code
/* ___ Declarations _____________________________________________________________________
image wImage

/* ___ Code _____________________________________________________________________________
insert_mr bol_trc_imagea('*DEBUG';'my text ';wImage;1)


BOL database scripts

1 - Set new PAPG values

PAPG example :

Bloc de code
-- Create program configuration option MYCONFIG
delete from wms.hlxprop where XPCPRG = 'MYCONFIG';
insert into wms.hlxprop values('MYCONFIG', 'My configuration', 'MYCONFIG', '007', '011', '0', '0', 0);

delete from wms.hlpgpap where GKCPRG = 'MYCONFIG';
insert into wms.hlpgpap values('MYCONFIG',' ','1','0',' ');

delete from wms.hlpapdp where GJCPRG = 'MYCONFIG';
insert into wms.hlpapdp values('MYCONFIG',1,'Code',3,' ',' ',' ');
insert into wms.hlpapdp values('MYCONFIG',4,'Designation',100,' ',' ',' ');
insert into wms.hlpapdp values('MYCONFIG',104,'Active',1,' ',' ',' ');


BOL REST services

1 - Call swagger REST API page

The url address of the swagger REST API page is :

2 - Generate the JWT token

To generate the JWT token, you'll have to access to the following url, but replace XXX with your reflex login and YYY with your reflex password

3 - Apply the JWT token

To apply the JWT token to the rest call, press the Authorize button on top of the REST API page.
