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French version

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  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.




All AdeliaDoc annotations observe the same syntax rules, as described below:

  • An annotation is comprised of a keyword and one or more parameters.
  • A keyword always starts with the "*@" digraph.
  • The ":" character is used as a separator between the keyword and the parameters; "blank" characters may be inserted before or after the separator character.
  • The "," character is used as a parameter separator; it is not advisable to insert " blank " characters before or after the separator character.
  • A keyword is not case sensitive but its parameters are.
  • An annotation must be at the start of a line (but it can be preceded by " blank " or "tabulation" characters).
  • Annotation parameters corresponding to text descriptions can be entered over several lines. In this case:
    • the "*@" digraph must mark the start of the new line,
    • if you need to maintain the multilingual multiline formatting in the document, the "*@|" trigraph must mark the start of the new line.
  • Examples:
    • Simple annotation with one parameter:
      *@deprecated : 3.2.5
    • Annotation with a multilingual multiline parameter - in this example, the description will appear in the form of two lines in the documentation:
      *@description : Selection of an unrecorded item code.
      *@|The P_DISP_ALL parameter must be initialized to the 0 value
      *@to filter on unrecorded and active items.
      Result obtained in the documentation: 

      Pas de format
      Selection of an unrecorded item code
      The P_DISP_ALL parameter must be initialized to the 0 value to filter on unrecorded and active items.
