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French version

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  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


  • Graphical object Output field:  In the Adelia Cloud context, the HTML_REPRESENTATION property has been added. It indicates that the object's VALUE property text will be interpreted as an HTML value.

  • NATS graphical object:  This object is now also available for Visual Adelia programs generated in the Windows client.
  • Source code repository: The source code repository now allows a Windows service to be created. This can generate several Adelia environments (of the same type at database manager level).
  • REST Web Services:  It is now possible to configure the activation of the input value integrity check for ALPHA, NUME/P, DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP values with Boolean variables REST_CHECK_INPUT_STRING_ADELIA_LENGTH_VIOLATION, REST_CHECK_INPUT_NUMBER_ADELIA_LENGTH_VIOLATION, REST_CHECK_INPUT_DATE_TIME_VIOLATION in the file associated with the webapp. 
  • ACRPE: Visual Adelia Windows programs managing reports can now delegate report printing to the ACRPE instead of printing it locally. Switching from one mode to the other is carried out via a configuration in the execution parameters and mwclient.ini client configuration file.VaToolBxAddAssociationEx and VaToolBxQueryAssociationEx functions have been added, extending the existing functions of VaToolBxAddAssociation and VaToolBxQueryAssociation to set/get the value of the ACRPE endpoint in the case of dynamic configuration of the ACRPE endpoint. 
  • Database: Full UNICODE DB2 and Oracle database support (UTF-8 character set). Adelia databases and environments are now created in Unicode by default.
