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To identify the values to take into account for the calculation, a Hash object attribute name belonging to the sequence needs to be passed as a parameter. You also need to make sure that the attribute value type is compatible with the chosen calculation type.


Hardis - Tableau personnalisé



Name of the Hash object attribute in the sequence used to extract the values for applying the calculation




Calculation type. If this parameter is String type, it must take a value from max, min, sum, avg, count, separatecount , samplevariance, samplestandarddeviation, populationvariance, populationstandarddeviation, median, mode, pearsonscorrelation, covariance, weightedmean.
If this parameter is a Hash object, it must have the following attributes:

  • fct: calculation type name,
  • linkedColName: name of the attribute used to reference the values of the second sequence when the calculation type is "pearsonscorrelation", "covariance" or "weightedmean"



Hash/Hash sequence


When this function is used in a groupHeader/groupFooter macro, this parameter is the loop variable identifying the current group in groupHeader/groupFooter.
When this function is used outside a groupList macro, this parameter represents the sequence on which to apply the calculation.


For example

Pas de format
<#assign seqData = [{"name": "mary", "age": 18},
{"name": "Lucy", "age": 19},
{"name": "Mark", "age": 19},
{"name": "Charlie", "age": 17},
{"name": "Aaron", "age": 18},
{"name": "Tess", "age": 16},
{"name": "Isaac", "age": 16}
<#assign orderingCriteria = {"name": "original_order_by_age", "colName": "age", "order":"o"} /><@hardisAdv>
<@hardisAdv.groupList .data_model.seqData orderingCriteria; aPerson><@hardisAdvaPerson>
<@hardisAdv.groupHeader "original_order_by_age"; infoGroupOriginalOrderByAge>GroupinfoGroupOriginalOrderByAge>
Group of ${ infoGroupOriginalOrderByAge .label}: ${ hardisAdv.summary("age", "count", infoGroupOriginalOrderByAge) } people<people
${} has ${ aPerson.age }
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