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Currently, in a Java context, print service configuration is based on the association of the *WEB_REPORT logic server with a physical server (MwClient.ini). 
The middleware configuration of the server (MwServer.ini) has the directory containing the .RPT report files in its context information.

The ACRPE can be used instead of the middleware print service by changing the association of the *WEB_REPORT logic server.
The new association must target the *WEB_API pseudo-physical server, the ACRPE access point must be entered (ApiEndPoint field): http://<Ip_ACRPE>:<Port_ACRPE>/ACRPE

Using the ACRPE as an Adelia print server - Example of association of *WEB_REPORT logic server with the *WEB_API server.

The association between the logical server *WEB_REPORT and the pseudo-physical server *WEB_API can also be made dynamically using the'VaToolBxAddAssociationEx' function.


[WINDOWS] Using ACRPE instead of local print mode
