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  • PTF 02 requires a change to the structure of your Adelia buffers and environments: they will need to change from version 14.0 to 14.01 (see "Information..." option in your environments/buffers icon).
    To change the structure, you need to execute the "Database management"/"Change version..." option accessed via the context menu associated with your environments/buffers icon.
  • For PDM generation in "AS/400 SQL" mode or when using Adelia Build with generations on the AS/400 platform, you also need to install PTF F003 A003 of the AS/400 part of Adelia Studio 14.

Adelia Studio HMI


  • The Adelia 4GL editor now uses standard Windows shortcuts (Ctrl+S to save the source, Ctrl+F to find, Ctrl+H to replace, F3/Shift+F3 to find the next or previous occurrence, Ctrl+P to print). This standardization has also led to other editor shortcuts being changed. 
  • In the editor options ("Environment" tab), you can specify the editor's repository and input assistance boxes of a program using:
    • either the small font to display more information,
    • or the system's standard font (default option).
  • Repository - Program box: a "Repository" checkbox has been added to display all the repository programs (and not only those in the current application area).
  • The source analysis can only be disabled in read-only open source cases.
  • The "Description" fields for Adelia objects have changed from 50 to 250 characters.

  • For the "Description" fields that can be used to create an AS/400 object, in the environment attributes, you can ask for the text to turn red when it exceeds 50 characters (AS/400 object description limit).

  • Most of the product's dialog boxes have been made bigger.

  • Logical entities tab
    • Double-clicking on a logical entity now opens the entity's logical properties box (rather than the "Modify logical entity" box).
    • A selection filter has been added to the physical file name.
  • An entity's logical property list: more information is now provided on the logical property definition (guide word, short name, type and length).

  • Management rules tab: The source of a management rule can be opened directly. Double-clicking opens the source of formal management rules in the 4GL editor.

  • For the "Repository" context, the Object manager session has been added, enabling the user to open an object manager with the display context of all repository objects.
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Generating the Physical Data Model in AS/400

  • For a logical entity generated in AS/400 SQL, the entity and its accesses only including key fields are generated in SQL mode, but now the other accesses (defining a specific format, IBM logical fields, select/omit) will also be processed by the generation but as IBM logical files. 
  • For the generation of a logical entity in AS/400 SQL with data retention, this generation can now be performed using the SQL instruction "CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE", available on AS/400 from the V7R2. You need PTF F002 A002 of the Adelia Studio 14 AS/400 part for this feature to be supported.
  • The information that an entity was generated in native AS/400 or AS/400 SQL is retained. If you change generation type, your new generation mode must be confirmed. For the validation of a correction with data generation for AS/400, the generation mode (native or SQL) used for the last entity generation performed in the correction environment will be used.   
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Other Database Improvements

  • Native support for PostgreSQL
    • The PDM can be generated for a PostgreSQL database.
    • The generated applications can work on a PostgreSQL database.
    • Adelia environments can be a PostgreSQL database.
  • For the validation of a correction with data generation, the "generation with/without key" mode indicated for the last entity generation performed in the correction environment will be used.
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Miscellaneous Improvements

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