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  • Installation by user
    In this mode, each user works with their own source code repository installed on their development machine. The service is configured to start up on a random port and not accept remote connection. It can be configured directly from the 4GL editor (Install a local repository option in the "Source code repository" tab in editor options), or via the "syncsetup <ENVIRONMENT_ALIAS>" command.
    This is the recommended installation, apart from when the environment can receive correction validations from a correction environment within the context of the Adelia version manager.

  • Shared installation
    In this mode, the service is installed manually with a fixed port on a server, and the environment is configured with an HTTP access URL. It is configured using the "syncsetup <ENVIRONMENT_ALIAS> -shared" command.
    The source code repository can also be started up in the command line on a non-Windows system, or on a machine which does not have Adelia Studio installed. See the manually configuring a source code repository procedure.
    All the environment users share the same source tree view, which can be an issue. However, if . If the environment is a member of an Adelia version manager and it can receive correction validations from another environment, it is the recommended installation mode if we want the correction validation to automatically create a commit in the source control manager (Git, SVN). In this case, it is best if the revision creation in the source control manager does not depend on the user and the machine on which the correction validation is executed. 

The installation can be deleted with the "syncsetup <ENVIRONMENT_ALIAS> [-shared] -remove" command. This command deletes the service but does not destroy the source code repository data.

The "syncsetup <ENVIRONMENT_ALIAS> -export" command can also be used to force the global export of the environment data.


Source code repository installation wizard
