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This field is active only when the Default LDAP user box is checked.

Check boxes

Default LDAP user
Authorizing Single Sign-On (SSO)

This option is enabled if the authentication mode is Adelia or LDAP.

Hardis - Tableau personnalisé


The middleware will accept standard connections with user and password and negotiated connections in SSO mode (*SSO user).
In SSO mode, the user does not have to be declared if the LDAP or SSO default user box is checked.

Not checked

Only profile/password authentication is authorized.

LDAP or SSO default user

This option is not enabled in Adelia authentication unless the Allow Single Sign-On (SSO) box is checkedNot active in Adelia authentication.

Hardis - Tableau personnalisé

Box checked

Middleware profiles not registered in the users list but authentified on the LDAP server are allowed to connect to the middleware server.

Box unchecked

Only the middleware profiles registered in the users list and authentified on the LDAP server are allowed to connect to the middleware server.
