Products Downloads

French version

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titleAttention :

Since 01/10/2021, the URL for accessing Adelia runtime artefacts has changed. The following URL must now be indicated: (instead of, and access to this URL is done without authentication.

This change of URL also concerns builds made with a version prior to PTF 05.
This concerns the definition of your proxy repository for the Hardis remote repository (see the prerequisites for the Application Area-Based Build and the Adelia Component-Based Build) and possibly the downloadArtifactsRepo or downloadArtifactsReleaseRepo keys in the "" files associated with your Adelia builds or your application construction builds (we do not recommend using the URL for accessing our artefacts directly in these keys).

Crystal Reports runtime

titleAttention :

From version 14 PTF05 of Adelia Studio onwards, the .NET Crystal Reports or .NET SAP Crystal Reports runtimes with a version lower than SP26 are no longer compatible.

Note 1: You will find the compatible Crystal Reports runtime "SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework 4.5(32-bit)" in the download area.

Note 2: Before installing a new version of the .NET Crystal Reports runtime for Visual Studio, remember to uninstall your current version first.


AdeliaDoc is a tool for generating technical documentation associated with Adelia programs based on the analysis of 4GL sources and the use of program description information from the object manager.
