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French version

Comparaison des versions


  • Ces lignes ont été ajoutées. Ce mot a été ajouté.
  • Ces lignes ont été supprimées. Ce mot a été supprimé.
  • La mise en forme a été modifiée.


The tool, the context-sensitive menu and the option are defined by the ACTION_TOOL, ACTION_MENU and ACTION_MENU_OPTION properties (the value of the ACTION_TOOL property can be "_MBA_AUCUN). The coordinates of the pointer are defined by the POINTER_X and POINTER_Y properties.


Triggered when the user clicks on the notification badge associated with the object with the left mouse button. The tool and the element under the mouse click are given by the ACTION_TOOL and ACTION_ELEMENT properties (their value can be equal to _MBA_NONE. The coordinates of the pointer are defined by the POINTER_X and POINTER_Y properties. The ACTION_ELEMENT_X_AXIS and ACTION_ELEMENT_WIDTH properties indicate the position of the clicked element in the toolbar.


Triggered when the user double-clicks on the notification badge associated with the object with the left mouse button. The tool and the element under the mouse click are given by the ACTION_TOOL and ACTION_ELEMENT properties (their value can be equal to _MBA_NONE.  The coordinates of the pointer are defined by the POINTER_X and POINTER_Y properties. The ACTION_ELEMENT_X_AXIS and ACTION_ELEMENT_WIDTH properties indicate the position of the clicked element in the toolbar.


Triggered when the user clicks on the object with the right mouse button. The element under the mouse cursor when it is clicked is given by the ACTION_ELEMENT property (which may be set to _MBA_NONE). The coordinates of the pointer are defined by the POINTER_X and POINTER_Y properties. The ACTION_ELEMENT_X_AXIS and ACTION_ELEMENT_WIDTH properties indicate the position of the clicked element in the toolbar.


Triggered when the user selects a search element or clicks on the search button. The tool and the element affected by the mouse click are defined by the ACTION_TOOL and ACTION_ELEMENT properties. The coordinates of the pointer are defined by the POINTER_X and POINTER_Y properties. The ACTION_ELEMENT_X_AXIS and ACTION_ELEMENT_WIDTH properties indicate the position of the clicked element in the toolbar.


Triggered when the object is placed in focus.
