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To work with the classes of the current application area, select the Classes tab of the Object manager and select the All classes radio button.



The list shows the classes attached to the current application are.

They are classified in alphabetical order.

For each class, the following information is displayed:

    • its name,
    • its type,
    • its description,
    • its object name (which corresponds to the POJO name),
    • any build component the class is associated with.

The sort sequence can be defined by clicking the column headers of the list.

A filter located above the list can be used to limit the classes displayed.

Extended-selection list.

Note: In the case of a correction environment, a check mark may precede the name of each class.

- A red check mark indicates that the class is held by the default correction.

- A black check mark indicates that the class is held by a correction other than the default correction.

Context-sensitive menu

The following options are accessible at all times via the context-sensitive menu.

In addition, there may be buttons to perform the same actions on the right-hand side of the window, depending on the settings in the Create/Modify a software engineer dialog box's Preferences tab.


Opens a dialog box which is used to create a class.

If the tab is called from an application area, the newly created class is automatically attached to the current application area.


Opens a dialog box which is used to display or modify the general characteristics of the selected class.

This option is active only if one or more classes are selected in the list.

Modify version

Opens a dialog box that lets you modify the version of all the selected classes.

This option is active only if one or more classes are selected in the list.


Opens a dialog box which is used to copy a a class of the current application area.

This option is active only if one or more classes are selected in the list.


Opens a message box which is used to confirm the final deletion of the selected classes.

Once this option has been validated, the class list will be updated.

This option is active only if one or more classes are selected in the list.


This option opens a dialog box to choose the detailed information of the class to be printed.

The printing job is submitted to the Job manager.

This option is active only if one or more classes are selected in the list.


Opens a dialog box which is used to attach one or several classes of the repository to the current application area.


This option detaches the selected classes from the current application area.

It is active only if one or more classes are selected in the list.

App. areas

Opens a dialog box displaying the various application areas to which the selected class is attached.

This option is active only if one or more classes are selected in the list.

4GL Editor

This option gives access to the 4GL source Editor.

This option is active only if one or more classes are selected in the list.

Associate to a build component / Assoc. component

This option / button lets you select one of the following options:

    • None: Releases the selected classes from their respective build component, after confirmation.
    • List of the user's favourite components defined in the build component manager (only the components that can be modified by the user are displayed): Associates the selected classes with the build component selected in the list.
    • Other: Opens a dialog box that lets you select a build component among the components that can be modified by the user. The selected classes will then be associated with the selected component.


Opens a dialog box enabling the selected classes to be held by the default correction.

This option is only visible in correction environments.

It is only active when one or more classes are selected in the list and the user has a default correction.


Check boxes

Source (POJO)

If this box is checked, the Generate button triggers generation of the POJO.


If this box and the Source box are checked, the Generate button opens a dialog box to specify the generation parameters of the selected class.


If this box is checked, the Generate button submits generation jobs for all the classes selected in the list.



This button starts the requested generations corresponding to the checked boxes.

It is active only if one or more classes are selected in the list and if the Source (POJO) box is checked.

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