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To display or modify the general characteristics of a report, you must either:


Displayed data


Name of the report as defined in the Object manager.


Radio buttons


The visibility of a report can be either public or private.

A public report cannot be changed into a private report if it is attached to more than one application area.

The visibility of the report is specified at the level of the Object manager.


Data entry


Description clearly identifying the report.

Length: 50 characters maximum.


Number of lines per page

This number must be specified according to the features of the printer used.

It represents the number of lines which can be printed on the page.



Number of lines which can be printed on the page before the Overflow is detected.

Beyond this number, the system detects the Overflow, which is handled by the CHANGE_PAGE section defined in the Adelia program.


Number of characters per line

Number ranging from 1 to 220, depending on the features of the printer used.


Warning: A verification is performed by the system when validating this dialog box. If the fields placed on the report exceed the width specified here, a message warns the user that data might be truncated, and the system rejects the validation.



Number of characters per inch

This number can be 10 or 15 characters per inch (CPI).


Number of lines per inch

This number can be 6 or 8 lines per inch (LPI).




This button opens a dialog box displaying information on the current report, such as the name of the software engineer-owner, the dates and times of creation and modification.



This button opens a dialog box for entering a comment text which will be associated with the current report.


Other parameters

This button opens a dialog box which is used to display, create or modify the other parameters.


Modify (validation)

This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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