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To add objects to a correction, select the Add option from the context-sensitive menu of the Define a correction dialog box.



Application area

List of the application areas in the correction environment.

Select the application area containing the objects you want to add to the correction.

*REPOSITORY lets you select all the application areas in the environment.



List of object types managed by the correction manager.

Select the object type you want to add to the correction.

Default: "Program".


Note: The object type selected will be the one (if it exists) for the active tab in the Modify a correction dialog box.


Available objects

List of objects attached to the selected application area that have the selected type and can be held for correction by the user. The following details are shown for each object: name and description.

You can set a filter on the name to restrict the list of items displayed.

If you click one of the column headings, the corresponding values (and the list) will be sorted in ascending order.

To add an object from this list to the Objects to add list, double-click on it or select the Add option from the corresponding context-sensitive menu.

Extended-selection list.


Objects to add

List of objects to be added to the correction; objects are selected by the user from the Available objects list. The following details are shown for each object: name, type and description.

If you click one of the column headings, the corresponding values (and the list) will be sorted in ascending order.

To remove an object from this list, double-click on it or select the Remove option from the corresponding context-sensitive menu.

Extended-selection list.



Add (validation)

Adds the selected objects (those in the Objects to add list) to the correction and closes the dialog box.



Closes the dialog box without validating the selection.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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