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TREE_COLUMN objects are controls designed to be placed in TREE_LIST objects.

As each TREE_COLUMN object represents a column, the TREE_VIEW object lets you display a list of lines as a tree, and manage the list using Adelia language's line handling instructions.

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Where two or more consecutive lines have identical values in their first columns, nodes are created from the first column containing different values, rather than beginning the arborescence from the root of the tree.

Two or more consecutive lines in which all the column values match form a single branch in the tree.

The TREE_COLUMN object can be used to merge two or more consecutive columns.

In this case, the values of the merged columns are combined into a single text containing separators, but nodes are not created for each column.

The TREE_COLUMN also allows to specify that any columns to the right of a particular column are not displayed for a given line.

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