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The database access interfaces supplied with Adelia Studio let you connect to a database by specifying a complete connection chain that fully defines the database.

This method is used to connect to a remote base with no need to configure the DBMS client. (The DBMS client must nevertheless be installed.)

You can specify a URL from anywhere in the application that lets you input a database name (with the exception of the version manager).

For an environment or a buffer, an URL can contain a substitution schema to replace the default schema (SYSADEL) for Adelia tables. This syntax is only supported if the notion of schema is supported by the DBMS (DB2, Oracle or SQL Server).

The URL's syntax, which is specific to Adelia, depends on the DBMS:



schema    CASE only: name of the schema used instead of SYSADEL to access the data of the Adelia environment.

base         Database name.

server      Name or IP address of the database server.

port          Port on which the DB2 instance listens (default port: 50000).

e.g.: TEST@TEST_SERVER:50000



schema    CASE only: name of the schema used instead of SYSADEL to access the data of the Adelia environment.

base         Oracle instance name.

server      Name or IP address of the database server (default value: client machine address).

port          Port on which the Oracle listener listens (default port: 1521).


SQL Server


schema    CASE only: name of the schema used instead of SYSADEL to access the data of the Adelia environment.

base         Database name.

server      Windows name of the database server (default value: client machine name).

instance   SQL Server instance name.




base         Database name.

server      Name or IP address of the database server (default value: client machine address).

port          Port on which the MySQL server listens (default port: 3306).





schema    CASE only: name of the schema used instead of SYSADEL to access the data of the Adelia environment.

Please note that with PostgreSQL, the schema is case sensitive and must be indicated in uppercase.

base         Database name.

server      Name or IP address of the database server

port         Port on which the PostgreSQL instance listens (default port: 5432).


* Parameters shown between square brackets [] are optional.

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