To define the field attributes (on the AS/400) of various types, you must either:
Click the Attributes button of the "Constants" section, in the Modify a window standard (or an 80-column/132-column screen standard) dialog box.
Click the Input, Output, I/O buttons of the "Field attributes", "Heading attributes" or "Description attributes and masks" sections, in the Modify a window standard (or an 80-column/132-column screen standard) dialog box.
Click the Attributes button of the Modify the lines dialog box.
Click the Attributes button of the Modify the function keys dialog box.
Important: Only administrators can change the information in this dialog box.
The list box is used to select the color of the field.
Check boxes
Check the box(es) corresponding to the chosen attributes: Blink, Reverse image, Column separator, High intensity, Underline.
Modify (validation)
This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.
This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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