The instruction is always printed in CAPITALS.
Instructions are preceded or followed by one or more elements. These elements appear in lower case, and are separated by a space.
An element can be made up of a number of words, each beginning with a capital letter. These words can be used to deduce what the element represents.
Complex elements are broken down. Where this is the case, a number of special symbols are used.
Standard symbols
These symbols are used to give details of complex elements.
| |
means "or"
Example: Option *ON | *OFF The Option element can either be set to *ON or to *OFF.
None |
means the element is optional
Example: Option *ON | *OFF | None The Option element can be set to *ON or *OFF, or be left blank.
AlphaLetter |
'A' | ... | 'Z' | '$' | '#' | '@'
NumericLetter |
'0' | ... | '9'
Numeric |
0 | ... | 9
Integer |
SeriesNumeric | Numeric
Length |
NbDecimals |
Click here for some syntax examples.
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