Prerequisites: The development workstation on which the assistant is used must have the Microsoft® Visual C++ compiler, which is a component of Microsoft® Visual Studio (versions 6.0 or .NET, 2003, 2005 or 2008).

The Express Edition versions (free versions) of Microsoft® Visual C++ compilers are not suitable for the integrator, because they do not contain the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFCs) that are essential in order to compile the generated source files.


To integrate ActiveX controls in Adelia Studio, open the Start menu and select the ActiveX Control Integrator option in the Adelia Studio / Utilities folder menu, or in the list of shortcuts associated with the Adelia Studio icon in the task bar.


This utility lets you use ActiveX controls in a Visual Adelia program window.

It is set out as a multi-page wizard:


Compatibility with the previous version of the integrator

Any .DLL files produced by the previous version of the integrator can still be used. It is therefore still possible to create controls in a Visual Adelia window using the associated graphical objects. However, it is not possible to "supplement" an old .DLL file using the new version of the integrator, for example in order to use methods that were not supported in the earlier version. When this wizard is used to integrate an ActiveX that has already been integrated previously, you must produce a .DLL file with a different name.


If you want to use Graphical_Object variables (a type introduced in version 10 of Adelia Studio) based on a graphical object created by integration using the old wizard, you must reintegrate it using the old version.

This earlier version is not supplied with the product, but is available by contacting technical support.


Click here for details of the restrictions applicable to the integrator


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