Services are presented using the Swagger-UI interface supplied as standard in the Web application.
Note: this presentation can be disabled by changing the /WEB-INF/beans.xml configuration file and commenting the reference to the feature called "swagger2Feature" in the <jaxrs:server><jaxrs:features> element.
<jaxrs:server id="RestAdelia" address="/" transportId=""> < !--jaxrs:features> <ref bean="swagger2Feature" /> </jaxrs:features--> </jaxrs:server> |
The feature called "swagger2Feature" referenced in the <jaxrs:server> element displays different configuration elements:
<bean id="swagger2Feature" class="org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.swagger.Swagger2Feature"> <property name="basePath" value="/jaxrs/ws"/> <property name="resourcePackage" value="hardis.jaxrs" /> <property name="contact" value="hardis group" /> <property name="title" value="REST Services List " /> <property name="description" value=" REST services documentation " /> <property name="version" value="1.0" /> <property name="termsOfServiceUrl" value="" /> </bean> |
List of properties:
Note: the basePath and resourcePackage properties are automatically entered when creating a site in Environment attributes/Application area> Information at logical level > Web/Client tab > Create/Update site button.