Important: this function only concerns Adelia reports


This function is used to determine what type of driver (undetermined, GDI or XPS) was used for the RAW mode and the selected logic printer.




NUM_BIN_2 Index Number of the printer for which the parameter is queried.
NUM_BIN2 RawUnicode Driver mode: 0 = undetermined, 1 = GDI, 2 = XPS.
BOOL ReturnCode

Operation return code:

*TRUE if the operation was carried out correctly.

*FALSE if not.


For example

NUM_BIN_2 VarDrvMode

BOOL ReturnCode


CALL_DLL 'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxQueryAdeliaPrinterDriverMode' 1 VarDrvMode ReturnCode


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