This function is provided when using Adelia Print Engine.

It is used to execute the Apache FOP print formatter.

This engine takes the following as input:

to produce an editable document as an output which can be printed by the peripherals supporting the output format.

NB: this function is the Adelia counterpart to the APE " transformxslfo" Web service.

Remember: The VaToolBx dll must already be loaded ( LOAD_DLL  instruction) when this function is called and must remain loaded when the VaToolBxAPEClearDataModel, VaToolBxAPEMergeDoc, VaToolBxAPEAddInDataModel or VaToolBxAPEMergeAndTransformDoc functions are called. 

Application area





Document in XSL-FO format.



Result document output format.

The string must be in the format defined by RFC 6838 (click here for more details ).



Definition of options to apply during document processing.



Result document from executing the Apache FOP engine on the XslfoDoc document.



Operation return code:

0: Operation completed successfully. 

-1: The "Options" parameter must be ALPHA or IMAGE type.

-2: Error during syntax analysis in JSON format of "Options" processing options.

-3: Error during value analysis of "Options" processing options.

-4: Input/output error during analysis of "Options" processing options.

-5: Error when closing the TransformDoc result document.


The errors described below relate to the processing of the XslfoDoc document by the Apache FOP engine:

31: Apache FOP engine creation error. 

32: Document transformer creation error. 

33: Error when transforming the XslfoDoc document.

34: Input/output error when processing the result document.

35: Internal error when processing the XslfoDoc document produced by the engine. 



Apache FOP engine output formats

This engine supports several  output formats.


XSL-FO document processing options

The " Options" parameter is used to define additional characteristics when producing the result document.
The format of options must be JSON: all the options are described in an object with each member describing an option, namely:


For example

ALPHA(20) MimeType
ALPHA(256) Options
IMAGE XslfoDoc
IMAGE TransformDoc
NUM_BIN_2 returnCode

MimeType = 'application/pdf'
Options = '{"pdfDocPolicy": {"userPassword": "user"}}}'
CALL_DLL 'VaToolbx.dll' ' VaToolBxAPETransformDoc' XslfoDoc MimeType Options TransformDoc returnCode


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