Databases: Generic scripts and SQL scripts


The path to the file containing a generic or SQL script must now be visible on the machine that runs the script's generation (whereas before, you had to specify a path visible on the Middleware server associated with the DBMS).


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Databases: Formated SQL scripts


SQL scripts can now be generated in a readable indented form – with a query separator – that can be directly interpreted by the standard execution tools corresponding to the DBMS selected (sqlplus for Oracle, Query Browser SQL Server, etc.). Adelia tools (DBTOOL) can correctly interpret these scripts.



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Databases: AS/400 SQL scripts


For an AS/400 SQL generation, you can also produce a file containing SQL AS/400 scripts to create tables and indexes.

The formatted scripts can be directly interpreted by the "IBM System i Navigator" query manager (configured to connect using the *SQL naming convention).



Note: In order for this new feature to be available, you also need PTF A003 in the AS/400 part for Adelia Studio 11.


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Database management tool (DBTOOL): AS/400 SQL databases


The database management tool now supports SQL AS/400 databases. DBTOOL is still run on a Windows machine and, via the Adelia middleware, connects to the AS/400 database to run the table/index creation queries or data update queries on it.



All DBTOOL operations are supported except for database backup and restore operations.


Note: In order for this new feature to be available, you also need PTF A003 in the AS/400 part for Adelia Studio 11.


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Database management tool (DBTOOL): Java/Windows Middleware


The database management tool can now connect via Adelia Middleware on a Java or Windows server to perform operations for creating, exporting, importing and updating tables on this server.



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PDM Generation


If two logical properties are detected as having the same sequence number when generating a logical entity, a warning is displayed in the generation report window.


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PDM Generation on a Java server


If, in the pages concerning the databases (environment attributes and/or logical level of an application area), you specify Middleware parameters that refer to a Java Middleware server, when generating the PDM for DB2, Oracle, MySQL, SQL server or Access DBMS systems, the tables and indexes will be generated directly on the Java server.


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PDM Generation SQL AS/400


Note: In order for those new features to be available, you also need PTF A003 in the AS/400 part for Adelia Studio 11.


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Database: auto increment-type column


It is now possible to define – in an entity – a conceptual property or a numerical logical property as being auto incremented (i.e. with a value generated automatically by the DBMS). This data will be taken into account when logical entities are generated as SQL tables (AS/400 SQL, DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Access).



The *GET_GEN_VAL parameter of the CREATE_SQL instruction serves to retrieve the value of the auto increment-type column in the table on which a record has just been created.


Note: In order for this new feature to be operational on the AS/400 platform, you also need PTF A003 in the AS/400 part for Adelia Studio 11.



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Visual Adelia and Crystal Reports reports


Addition of the VaPreviewGetResult function in the VaCrysRt DLL to know the condition for exiting the preview window ("Close" button or "Print" button).


Addition of the VaGetNumberOfPages function in the VaCrysRt DLL to know the number of pages in a Crystal Reports report.


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Visual Adelia and Adelia reports

It is now possible to define in the 4GL editor, the type of the Change Page section as "Client", "Common" or "Server":




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Miscellaneous improvements


Addition of the Description column in the list of objects held by a correction.


The interface that presents the choice of validation correction when validating in a correction environment now shows the list of available corrections, sorted by name.


Object search: The list of an object's application areas is now sorted in alphabetical order.


Full support for the Visual Studio 2010 compiler.


Integration of a mechanism for checking the validity of connections in pooled mode.



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