This box is called in the following cases:

  • when the user asks for the deletion of a link between an entity and a subtype entity, and when this subtype entity is attached to several application areas.,

  • when the user clicks on the "..." button situated next to the Parent entity field in the dialog box used to define a subtype entity.


This dialog box is used to choose the parent entity of a subtype entity by selecting the desired entity in a list.

Indeed, a subtype entity must have a parent entity: one considers that if the link is to be deleted, it is to change the parent entity. The link will only be deleted after the selection of another valid parent entity in the displayed list.



Available entities

List of available entities which can be selected as parent entities.

This list contains, among other items, the parent entity which is initially the entity selected by default.

The choice of the new parent entity is made by clicking the desired entity.

Double-click an item in the list to select it and to activate the validation button.

Single-selection list.



Select (validation)

This button validates the dialog box in the following way:


This button closes the dialog box without any specific processing.

If a parent entity exists, it still remains the parent entity of the subtype entity.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.



See also:

Defining a Subtype Entity


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