This tab presents information which is specific to the component type.
Application areas
This list is used to select the application area or environment (*REPOSITORY) in which the error messages are defined.
Gen. platform
Check box represents a generation platform.
For each box checked, an artifact is generated for the corresponding platform.
This list presents the programs and classes associated with the component. For each of these objects, the following are displayed: type (Class or Pgm followed by its source type abbreviation), its name, generated file name, description and date and time of last change.
This list's contextual menu enables objects to be added and removed, like the two buttons below the list.
Alternate ascending and descending sorting in each column is obtained by clicking on them.
This button opens a dialog box for adding objects to the component.
This button removes the selected objects from the list.
This option opens the Information dialog box for each selected object.
This option opens an object's source, irrespective of the attachment application area.
An error message will be returned if the software engineer does not have the necessary authorities for the application area to which the object is attached.
If the software engineer only has authorities for one application area, the object will be opened in that one.
If the software engineer has authorities for several application areas, the system will display an application area list, letting him select the application area in which the object is opened.
This option opens the Individual comparison dialog box for each selected object.
This dialog box is used to compare the selected object with another object (from either the same or a different environment).
This option opens the Global comparison dialog box, which is used to run a comparison of a list of objects between the current environment and another.
The list of objects to be compared is initialized with the selected objects.
A distinction is made between Adelia programs and Visual Adelia programs.
This option opens a program or class generation setup dialog box.
Note: With ADELIA programs, a generation type selection box opens if both possible generation types ("AS/400" and "Windows") are checked in the Environment attributes. If only one 3GL generation type is checked, the Generate with parameters option will open the relevant generation setup box directly.
Submits the selected programs or classes for generation immediately.
Note: When you generate programs, either with or without parameters, a report is automatically displayed in a dialog box. This report shows the name and object type generated, the operation performed and the result.
This option lets you add the selected object to a sending. It opens a selection box showing the existing sendings.
You can compile the sending in parallel to the search: you can create a sending in the usual way, with no need to close the Maintenance manager.
Objects can only be added to "Object"-type sendings (therefore the system will only show the user the "Object"-type sendings).
If the added object is not attached to any of the application areas involved in the sending, the user will have to select an application area to which the object is attached (this application area will then be added to the sending definition).
This option opens a dialog box displaying the application areas to which the object is attached.
This button opens a dialog box for adding objects to the component.
This button removes the selected objects from the list.
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