All the parameters are alphanumeric: the size and type (I=Input, O=Output, I/O=Input/Output) are indicated between brackets.
Layout name | List of parameters | Comments | HSLRZR | ENTITY (15: I) RELATIONSHIP (15: I) PROPERTY (15: I) DDS_NAME (10: I) NEW_PROP (15: O) NEW_DDS_NAME (10: O) RETURN_COD (1: O) | | HSLREF | ENTITY (15: I) FILE (10: I/O) FORMAT (10: I/O) LOGICAL (10: I/O) RETURN_COD (1: O) | | HARMRE | DIC_GUI_WORD (15: I) ENT_GUI_WORD (15: O) FILE (10: I) RETURN_COD (1: O) | The ENT_GUI_WORD (15: O) parameter is associated with the FCTSPECC.DLL or USERVA.DLL DLLs. If the FCTSPECC128.DLL or USERVA128.DLL DLLs are used, then the parameter must be replaced with ENT_GUI_WORD (128: O). | HARZRE | DIC_DDS (10: I) ENT_DDS (10: O) FILE (10: I) RETURN_COD (1: O) | | HALRMA | GUI_WORD (15: I) ASSO_GUI_WORD (15: O) FILE (10: I) RETURN_COD (1: O) | The ENT_GUI_WORD (15: I) and ASSO_GUI_WORD (15: O) parameters are associated with the FCTSPECC.DLL or USERVA.DLL DLLs. If the FCTSPECC128.DLL or USERVA128.DLL DLLs are used, then these parameters must be replaced with ENT_GUI_WORD (128: I) and ASSO_GUI_WORD (128: O) respectively. | HALRZA | FIELD (10: I) ASSO_FIELD (10: O) FILE (10: E) RETURN_COD (1: O) | | HALRDF | SCREENNAME (8: I/O) RETURN_COD (1: O) | | HALRPF | PRINTERNAME (10: I/O) RETURN_COD (1: O) | |
Note: In the case USERVA.DLL is used, the name of the current environment can be retrieved in the first ten characters of the LDA.
Important note: If the programs are retrieved from Adelia/400 programs, do not forget to check the parameters in each program, and in particular to add the last parameter: RETURN_COD.
The RETURN_COD parameter is used to retrieve an error code in the LDM generation report.
For example, this parameter can be used to detect and report input/output errors (if the programs use a file of files).
Valid RETURN_COD variable values are:
- unassigned, " " or "0" for no error,
- "1" to "9" to indicate an error with the corresponding number.
An example of the correct use of the return code is given below:
IF *IN90 = '1'
If an I/O error is detected when reading the view, the generation of the LDM is interrupted and an error will be issued in the LDM generation report, indicating the RETURN_COD value.
An example of naming convention programs is available in the DB_STANDARDS application area of the KLBADEL knowledge base supplied with the package.
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