Information relating to the Adelia version and the program itself is now included in objects produced when programs are generated.
DLL and EXE files (for client and server, Windows and Mobile parts) contain new data in their resources.
This data is visible in Windows Explorer, in the Version tab of the Properties system menu (the "Version" tab in Windows XP or the "Details" tab in Windows Vista).
Program provider.
Corresponds to the "Provider" information defined in the environment attributes for public programs, or at the program's application area logical level if the program is private.
Application name.
Corresponds to the "Application name" information defined in the environment attributes for public programs, or at the program's application area logical level if the program is private.
Legal copyright.
Corresponds to the "Copyright" information defined in the environment attributes for public programs, or at the program's application area logical level if the program is private.
The file's version number (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnnnn).
Corresponds to the version/modification/patch/build numbers associated with the program.
The product's version number (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnnnn).
Corresponds to the version/modification/patch/build numbers defined in the environment attributes for public programs, or at the program's application area logical level if the program is private.
Description of the program.
Adelia version level used when the program was generated (Version/PTF/Fix), specifying any generation options (i.e. Debug, Multilingual, Unicode and/or Profiler).
File name.
Short name of the program.
.c and .h sources include the Adelia version level.
Example: * @author: Generated by Adelia Studio HARDIS 11.3.1 <p>
This tool displays the details contained in DLL and EXE files produced by Adelia.
To open the DLL analyzer for generated Visual programs, open an MS-DOS command window and run the command AdeliaData <FileName> | <DirectoryName>. |
This command returns the name of the .DLL or .EXE file, the generated version information (provider, application, copyright, file version and product version), along with the Adelia version level used to generate the program, and any options (i.e. Debug, Multilingual, Unicode and/or Profiler) enabled at the time of generation.
If the DLL does not correspond to a program generated by Adelia, or if the program was generated prior to version 11, the "adelia version, debug, multilingual, unicode and profiler" fields are left blank.
f a directory is specified when the tool is called, it provides information about all .DLL and .EXE files in the specified directory (ignoring any other files).
Use the "-csv" option to generate the information in the form of a csv file.
Use the "-adelia" option to display the information in an identical manner to Adelia Studio 11. The file's new version information is not displayed.
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The .class files produced when Web client, Java client or JAVA server parts are generated contain Adelia details as attributes of the JAVA class corresponding to the Visual program (although this information is not directly visible).
To view these attributes, you must use the AdeliaData tool (a Java program).
To open the class analyzer for generated programs, open an MS-DOS command window and run the command java AdeliaData <DirectoryName>. |
This command returns the name of the class, the generated version information (provider, application, copyright, file version and product version), along with the Adelia version level used to generate the program, and any options (i.e. Debug, Multilingual, Unicode or Profiler) enabled at the time of generation.
Use the "-csv" option to generate the information in the form of a csv file.
Use the "-adelia" option to display the information in an identical manner to Adelia Studio 11. The new version information for the class is not displayed.
EMPTY: ------ Provider : Product name : Copyright : Program name : EMPTY Description : Empty File version : Product version : Adelia Version : 12.0.0 Debug : yes Unicode : no Multilingual : no Profiler : no TDBCD1: ------- Provider : Product name : Copyright : Program name : TST_DBG_COND_1 Description : TST_DBG_COND_1 File version : Product version : Adelia Version : 12.0.0 Debug : yes Unicode : no Multilingual : no Profiler : no TDBCD2: ------- Provider : Product name : Copyright : Program name : TST_DBG_COND_2 Description : TST_DBG_COND_2 File version : Product version : Adelia Version : 12.0.0 Debug : yes Unicode : no Multilingual : no Profiler : no
Note: .java sources also contain the Adelia version level. Example: * @author: Generated by Adelia Studio HARDIS 11.3.10 <p> |
The JSP files produced when generating Adelia Web programs are character files. They contain a remark at the end of the file specifying the Adelia version used to generate the program.
<%@ page import="java.util.*,*, com.hardis.adelia.common.*, com.hardis.adelia.template.*, com.hardis.adelia.configuration.HaSession, com.hardis.adelia.webcommon.*, com.hardis.adelia.pool.PoSession, testweb.*" errorPage="" %><%@ taglib uri="/tags/was" prefix="adelia" %><jsp:useBean class="java.util.Hashtable" id="AdeliaKeyIncludeJS" scope="request"></jsp:useBean><jsp:useBean class="com.hardis.adelia.pool.PoManager" id="AdeliaKeyPoolManager" scope="application"></jsp:useBean><%! // Return current time to proxy server request public long getLastModified(HttpServletRequest request){return System.currentTimeMillis();} %><% synchronized(session) { VEROBW AWSInst = null; String AWSCalledFromPgmName = null; .. %></script> </body> </html><% } } } %><%-- Adelia Studio [11.3.1] --%> |
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The AS/400 objects produced when generating iSeries programs and the AS/400 server parts of Visual programs contain the application's AS/400 name (defined in the environment attributes if the program is public, or at the program's application area logical level if the program is private), the program's version number and Adelia version level used during generation.
The application name is stored in the first 7 position of the object's "Licensed software" field. The version information (version, modification, patch) is stored in the field's last 6 positions.
Note: Of the 6 positions, the first 2 hold the version number, the following 2 hold the modification number and the final 2 hold the patch number. If these numbers are strictly less then 100, they are encoded over 2 digits in base 10. If these numbers are greater than or equal to 100, they are encoded in base 36 (0->9, then A->Z) over 2 positions, with A0 for the value 100 (with this conversion, numbers >= 100 always start with a letter).
Thus for example, the value "111506" corresponds to version 11, modification 15 and patch 6, while the value "B980AA" corresponds to version 145, modification 80, patch 110.
The build number is stored in the "PTF number" field, prefixed by two spaces.
The Adelia generator version number is stored in the objects "APAR ID" field.
These data can be viewed by issuing the DSPOBJD command.
DSPOBJD OBJ(library/object) OBJTYPE(*PGM) followed by option 8 (service attributes)
Note: If the DSPOBJD is output to file, the product name is stored in the ODPPNM field (LICPGM Name), the version (Version/Modification/Patch) is stored in the ODPPVR field (LICPGM Level), the build number is stored in the ODPCNR field (PTF Number) and the Adelia version used to generated the program is stored in the ODAPAR field (APAR ID).
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