This function is used to read the value associated with a section and a key in the data file.
ALPHA(256) | File | Full name of the data file. | ALPHA(n) | Section | Section. | ALPHA(n) | Key | Key. | ALPHA(n) | Value | Value retrieved by the function in the file. | NUM_BIN_4 | ValueSize | Size of Value : n. | NUM_BIN_4 | ReturnCode | Read return code (updated by the function). |
Possible return code values
0 | Read operation successful: Value is configured at this point. | 1 | Read operation truncated: Value is configured at this point, but is too small to contain all the data in the file (increase the value set for n). |
Read operation failed: Value is cleared.
-1 | Data file not found. | -2 | Invalid section, for one of the following reasons: - Section is empty, - Section is an invalid item section in a list (incompatible with the number of items in the list), - the data file is a parameter file for use with an EXIT program and Section is not one of the permitted sections. | -3 | Key not compatible with Section : this control is only performed if the data file is a parameter file for use with an EXIT program. | -99 | Value not found: the data file does not contain a value associated with Section and Key . |
/* This example is a read operation in a parameter file | /* for use in an EXIT program during a correction validation procedure | ALPHA(256) | ParamFile | | PARAM | ParamFile | /* EXIT program call parameter | | | | ALPHA(40) | Section | | ALPHA(40) | Key | | ALPHA(200) | Value | | NUM_BIN_4 | ValueSize | | NUM_BIN_4 | ReturnCode | | | | | Section = 'USER_PARAMETER' | Key = 'VALUE' | ValueSize = 200 | /* the value of the user parameter is read in the parameter file | CALL_DLL 'PgExTool' 'PgExToolReadValue' ParamFile Section Key Value ValueSize ReturnCode |
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