To insert a Button object, you must either:
This dialog box lets you define the different attributes of the Button object.
Button name identifier.
Button description.
The description cannot be completed if an image source has been entered.
Source of the image associated with the button.
The relevant button opens a dialog box that lets you select an image.
The image source cannot be completed if a description has been entered.
Lets you define the image width, on condition that the Image radio button is selected.
Lets you define the image height, on condition that the Image radio button is selected.
Note: The HTML page's default button is shown surrounded with a thin black outline.
If one or more buttons with images are placed on the page, the default button's outline is not drawn. The same applies if the user has assigned a prompt to a field, because the prompt places a button with an image on the page.
Defines whether the OnClick event can be canceled by clicking on the browser's Previous button.
Possible values:
Note: This option is only available if the WADELIA program was created with browser Previous / Next button support enabled.
Lets you add an OnClick event processing block to the button object.
This processing block is run in response to a click on the button.
Note: Adding an ONCLICK event processing block to a button object called OBJ_1 will create an event block, OBJ_1:ONCLICK, in the 4GL source when the HTML page is saved. OBJ_1:ONCLICK is nested in the OBJ_1 object block, which is in turn nested in the WORK WITH EVENTS block.
Lets you add and run an ONCLICK event processing block in the button object, without checking the validity of the fields in the HTML page in any way.
Note: The Adelia variables linked to the graphical objects in the page are not updated.
Lets you add an OnClick event processing block to the Button object. This event requires validation; in addition it triggers the uploading of the files selected by an Upload object.
Note: If there is an Upload object in the form that contains the button, the Rollup and Rolldown events trigger the uploading of the file selected by this object.
Lets you add an OnRollUp event processing block to the associated list object. (The object is selected in the lower list in the window).
The event processing block is run in response to a click on the button.
Rollup is only available if there are one or more list objects (i.e. if the window's lower list is not empty).
Note: Adding an OnRollUp event processing block to a list object called TBL_1 will create an event block, TBL_1:ONROLLUP, in the 4GL source when the HTML page is saved. TBL_1:ONROLLUP is nested in the TBL_1 object block, which is in turn nested in the WORK WITH EVENTS block.
Lets you add an OnRollDown event processing block to the associated list object. (The object is selected in the lower list in the window).
The event processing block is run in response to a click on the button.
Rolldown is only available if there are one or more list objects (i.e. if the window's lower list is not empty).
Note: Adding an OnRollDown event processing block to a list object called TBL_1 will create an event block, TBL_1:ONROLLDOWN, in the 4GL source when the HTML page is saved. TBL_1:ONROLLDOWN is nested in the TBL_1 object block, which is in turn nested in the WORK WITH EVENTS block.
Click here for more information about the Adelia event processing blocks.
Defines the strategy followed in the event of simultaneous execution requests for the event.
Possible values:
Defines the wait time between successive executions of the same event. The presence of a value in this field indicates that the event is cyclical: once executed, it is automatically repeated indefinitely.
The possible unit values are:
- Millisec. for milli-seconds,
- Second,
- Minute,
- Hour.
This value must not exceed the life of an HTTP session (as specified in the file web.xml).
Sets an event's priority when it is placed in the queue. This priority defines the order of execution of the events in the queue.
If this field is left blank, the priority is set to REQUEST_DEFAULT_PRIORITY (refer to these values in Parameters of the file).
Hides the progress bar when this event is triggered.
This parameter is only processed if PROGRESS_INDICATOR_SHOW_ALL_STARTED_REQUEST is set to "N" (see Parameters of the file).
Associates a context-sensitive menu with the object. It is possible to associate multiple Adelia objects with the same Menu object (the Menu object's SOURCE_OBJ property, when used in the event processing block of a menu or menu, identifies the Adelia object for which the user has opened the menu).
Specifies the Javascript event that will cause the associated context-sensitive menu to open.
Possible values:
Note: For the sake of ergonomics, when the Javascript event that opens a menu is based on a mouse click (oncontextmenu, onclick, onmousedown or onmouseup), the "Close by clicking on page background" property defined during the layout design of the Menu object should be enabled.
This property should be disabled when the Javascript event is based on a mouse movement (onmouseover).
This button opens a dialog box that lets you assign resources to a program.