Module-based approach to an Adelia application

An application is a set of software components (or modules) with shared characteristics, providing and using services (functions, procedures, types, etc.). A software component is a logical representation of the application.

In Adelia, an application is defined in an environment that contains all the application's objects. These objects can be grouped in one or more application areas, each forming a software component.

When the application's binary objects are built, each component is converted into an artifact. An artifact is a deliverable used in a particular version of the application. Lastly, each versioned artifact is saved in a repository via a delivery manager. The role of this repository is to centralize and version all artifacts produced by developers.

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Adelia objects and related artifacts

Each Adelia application area contains a set of objects of different types (programs, error messages, reports, resources, classes, etc.).

Similarly, when the application is built, each generation platform type produces different types of binary objects. The artifact generation process therefore depends on:

Each artifact contains the binary objects produced by generating objects of the same type, in the same application area, with the same visibility, for the same generation platform.

The application build process supports the following Adelia object types:

Program objects with the source types:

The application build process supports the following generation platforms:

Generated artifact types:

Artifact type


Container file type


Contains the binary objects produced during AS400 generation of Adelia Interactive and Batch programs

ZIP file containing a SAVF file for an AS400 library


Contains the binary objects produced during AS400 generation of SAdelia programs and the server parts of VAdelia programs

ZIP file containing a SAVF file for an AS400 library


Contains the binary objects produced during Cloud (Java) generation of the client parts of VAdelia interactive programs

JAR file containing Java .class files and other resource files

CloudEventBContains the binary objects produced during Cloud and/or Event (Java) generation of VAdelia batch programsJAR file containing Java .class files and other resource files


Contains the binary objects – used when executing Selenium test scenarios - produced during Cloud (Java) generation of VAdelia Interactive programs

JAR file containing Java .class files


Contains the Crystal Reports report templates produced during Cloud and/or Event generation of VAdelia batch programs with reports.

ZIP file containing the .RPT files for the Crystal Reports templates


Contains the Crystal Reports report templates produced during Java generation of WAdelia batch programs with reports.

ZIP file containing the .RPT files for the Crystal Reports templates

EventContains the binary objects produced during Event (Java) generation of EADELIA programsJAR file containing Java .class files and other resource files


Contains the binary objects produced during Java generation of the client parts of VAdelia programs

JAR file containing Java .class files and other resource files

JavaClientWebBContains the binary objects produced during standard and/or Web (Java) generation of VAdelia batch programsJAR file containing Java .class files and other resource files


Contains the binary objects produced during Java generation of SAdelia programs and the server parts of VAdelia and WAdelia programs

JAR file containing Java .class files and other resource files


Contains the binary objects produced during Java generation of Class objects

JAR file containing Java .class files and other resource files


Contains the binary objects produced during Java generation of the client parts of WAdelia programs

JAR file containing Java .class files and other resource files


Contains the binary objects produced during Windows generation of the client parts of VAdelia programs

ZIP file containing .exe and .dll files


Contains the binary objects produced during Windows generation of SAdelia programs and the server parts of VAdelia and WAdelia programs

ZIP file containing .exe and .dll files


Contains the binary objects produced when REST Web Services (Java) are generated for VAdelia batch programs

JAR file containing Java .class files and other resource files


Contains the binary objects produced when DOCUMENT Web Services (Java) are generated for VAdelia batch programs

AAR file containing Java .class files and other resource files


Contains the binary objects produced when DOCUMENT_JAXWS Web Services (Java) are generated for VAdelia batch programs

ZIP file containing .jar files

Table 1: List of artifact types produced by an Adelia build project

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The Gradle automatic artifact builder

Gradle ( is an open-source build tool, like Ant and Maven.

These tools are designed to automate IT project building, using a process that can be broken down into a number of tasks, the main steps in which are described below:

In addition to these tasks, other tasks may be required, such as:

Gradle can be used to define tasks (and related processes) in a declaratory approach, using a language based on Groovy. A task is defined by:

Together, these tasks form a Gradle project and are declared in a build.gradle file.

It is possible to specify a set of properties and constants for the project, in the file.

Gradle provides a range of plugins enabling users to expand the basic model.

Each plugin adds a specific set of tasks (for example, a Java plugin to compile, test and package Java sources, Maven to implement support for publishing artifacts in Maven-compatible repositories, objective-c to compile Objective-C sources and package native libraries, etc.).

Gradle build projects are executed by running the highest-level task via the gradle taskName command line.

To process this task, Gradle:

  1. calculates the dependency matrix of the tasks to be executed (the highest-level task generally defines a set of subtasks as a means of defining modular processes),

  2. executes each task in the matrix. If a task returns an error, the build is stopped.

While executing a task, Gradle manages a cache containing its inputs: if the input data is identical to the inputs for the previous execution and the outputs are unchanged, the task is considered to be up to date (upToDate). None of the processes associated with the task are performed.

The following example features a number of Gradle command line entries:

Command line


gradle help

Shows help in the Gradle help console (executes the task named help).

gradle tasks

Lists the descriptions of all tasks defined in the build project.

gradle --help

Displays the full list of Gradle execution options.

gradle task1 task2

Executes the task named task1 and then the task named task2, in that order. If task1 generates an error, task2 will not be executed.

gradle build uploadArchives

In a project using the Java and Maven plugins, this command line entry builds (via the build task) a JAR archive from Java source files, and makes this deliverable available in a repository (via the uploadArchives tasks).

Note: In the rest of the Help, Gradle command line examples use the gradlew command.

Using the gradle command requires the Gradle tool to be installed manually, whereas the gradlew command (supplied in Adelia Studio) performs a silent installation the first time the Gradle tool is used.

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Application area-based build prerequisites

A number of hardware and architecture constraints apply when executing an Adelia build.

Build workstation prerequisites

The following conditions must be satisfied:

Continuous integration architecture prerequisites

The Adelia build operation is part of a broader continuous integration approach.

This approach requires delivery managers to be used, to centralize access to and storage of artifacts in repositories. When executing an Adelia build, these repositories are used in two different ways:

  1. During the binary object construction phase, the Adelia runtime artifacts required for the compilation operation are retrieved from the (external or remote) Hardis repository,

  2. During the Adelia build completion phase, a (personal or local) repository is used to store the built artifacts.

Delivery managers compatible with Maven must be used for this purpose, such as Nexus ( or Artifactory (

Nexus Sonatype is used in the remainder of this documentation.

To simplify the architecture, it is possible to use a single delivery manager, which can be configured to be compatible with both types of repository used during the aforementioned two phases.

Upon installing Nexus, the following repositories are available by default, accessible via the "Repositories" view:

In this view, a new repository must be added, defined as a proxy for the Hardis remote repository:

Similarly, there are two ways to define the local repositories in which to store the built artifacts:

In both cases, during the Adelia build project configuration phase, the values of the uploadArchivesReleaseRepo and uploadArchivesSnapshotRepo keys in the file must be replaced with the values of the "Repository Path" field of the release and snapshot repositories, respectively.

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