Adelia Cloud desktop
The Adelia Cloud desktop is a space in which Adelia applications are displayed. Its ergonomics are similar to classic desktops on PCs, i.e. a taskbar to manage active applications, possibility of displaying information in the background and a number of additional functions.
The Adelia desktop is a modular application which manages the background (the Web browser background). It is possible to easily extend it using extension modules which are easy to program and instantiate.
An extension module may or may not have a graphical representation (e.g. the theme manager is instantiated by the desktop to allow the dynamic toggling of themes but does not have a direct graphical representation on the desktop).
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The desktop context-sensitive menu
The desktop context-sensitive menu displays the options available to the user according to the configuration. It can be fully or partially masked.
The sub-menus
Makes it possible to access the Widget creation options saved in the desktop configuration.
If no widget is available, this menu is not displayed.
Toggles between the installed themes. It only appears if the theme manager is instantiated in the desktop configuration.
Reorganise icons
This menu is available if the Shortcut widget is saved.
Accesses the file explorer and task manager.
Customise desktop
Accesses the Adelia Cloud desktop configuration.
Execution parameters
Opens the Adelia execution parameters box.
Opens the execution box.
Close session
Closes the current session.
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Tools provided with the desktop
File explorer
Displays the content of the VFS tree structure accessible to the user, downloads files from the server to the client workstation or uploads files from the client workstation to the server.
Caution: the upload file size limit is 5MB.
Task manager
The task manager displays the list of programs running in the active Cloud session. In particular, it enables the user to end a process, abruptly or not.
Desktop configuration interface
The desktop configuration program sets certain desktop parameters (background image, etc.).
Adelia execution parameters
The Adelia execution parameters box sets the Adelia runtime parameters (display language, parameter control, error message interface, etc.).
The execution box
The execution box executes an Adelia program specifying its parameters on the command line and its startup directory relating to the VFS.
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Desktop configuration
The desktop can be extended via two types of module:
- single modules, of which there is one copy,
- dynamic modules (Widgets) that it is possible to create several different instances for (e.g. shortcuts to an application).
The initial desktop configuration is stored in a static configuration file called "desktop.properties". This file includes the references to the known desktop module classes, statically configured module instances and all the related parameters.
The desktop is provided with a certain number of basic modules:

The Widgets provided with the desktop are as follows:
Class | Name | Description | Launcher | Application launcher | Displays and launches a list of Adelia applications. | Shortcut | Shortcut | Displays on the desktop a shortcut to an Adelia application. | PostIt | Note | Displays a note on the desktop background. | Clock | Analog clock | Displays a clock. | IFrame | HTML page | Displays an HTML document in an IFrame on the desktop. |
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desktop.properties file parameters
The basic desktop parameters define the modules to statically instantiate (taskbar, message log type) and list the types of modules dynamically accessible by the user.
For example, it is possible to start up an empty desktop without an extension module. It is, however, recommended that you install at least the taskbar or an equivalent module to manage the started applications. Without one it would be impossible, among other things, to maximise a minimised window.
Parameter | Default value | Description | moduleClasses |
| List of extension module classes which contribute to the desktop context-sensitive menu. | startupModules | TaskBar | List of module instances to create statically when starting up the desktop, separated by commas. There are two possible notations: - For "single-instance" modules, the instance name is simply the class name of the module (TaskBar, MessageLog, ThemeManager).
- For widgets (for which several copies may exist), an instance name needs to be added. This name is a free alphanumeric identifier for statically configured widgets (Shortcut.1 or Shortcut.shortcut1) and created in the form of a unique UUID for dynamically instantiated widgets.
| allowDesktopMenu | True | Determines access rights to the desktop context-sensitive menu. Possible values: - user_role_name (available if the user is in the role).
| allowFileExplorer | True | Determines access rights to the file explorer. Possible values: - user_role_name (available if the user is in the role).
| allowProcessManager | True | Determines access rights to the task manager. Possible values: - user_role_name (available if the user is in the role).
| allowLogManager | True | Determines access rights to the trace manager. Possible values: - user_role_name (available if the user is in the role).
| allowAdeliaParameters | True | Determines access rights to Adelia execution parameters. Possible values: - user_role_name (available if the user is in the role).
| allowDesktopParameters | True | Determines access rights to desktop parameters (background). Possible values: - user_role_name (available if the user is in the role).
| allowExecuteBox | True | Determines access rights to a command execution box. Possible values: - user_role_name (available if the user is in the role).
| allowCloseSession | True | Determines access rights to session closing. Possible values: - user_role_name (available if the user is in the role).
| background |
| Desktop background image (path in the VFS). | backgroundPos | stretch | Background image positioning. The possible values are: stretch | The image is stretched over the desktop area. | cover | The image is stretched so that it completely covers the desktop while maintaining the proportions (part of the image may be masked). | contains | The image is stretched to cover the height or width of the desktop while maintaining the proportions (horizontal or vertical bands may appear). | center | The image is centred on the desktop without being resized. | mosaic | The image is repeated over the whole desktop area. |
| launch_<index> | n/a | Automatically starts up applications when initialising the desktop (when starting up the Cloud session). To do this, you need to enter keys in the "desktop.properties" configuration file in the following way: launch_<index>=<program_entry_point_class_name> <parameters>
The index is a number starting with 1, without breaking the sequence (i.e. if you configure launch_1, launch_2 and launch_4, only programs 1 and 2 will be executed). The programs are launched with the same startup path as the desktop in the VFS (as configured in the wagon.xml, usually "HOME:\"). Examples : launch_1=com.hardis.adelia.cloud.common.dialogs.EXPLORmain launch_2=fr.mycompany.MONPGMmain param1 param2 | phantomResizing | False | Enables window resizing in "phantom" mode. | optimizedDisplayTabbedWindow | False | Enables display optimization for tabbed windows. This optimization leads to restrictions on the use of Adelia graphical objects contained in tabs which have never been selected (either by the program or the user) when executing the window: - MENU ITEM object: The associated keyboard shortcut is not supported
- AJAX REQUEST object: The use of all the methods is not supported
- LIST object: The use of the GET_CELL_COORDINATES method is not supported
- TREE VIEW and TREE LIST objects: The use of FIRST_VISIBLE and FIRST_LINE_VISIBLE properties is not supported
- TOOL_BAR object: The use of the HEIGHT property is not supported
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Module parameters
The widgets are repositionable modules of which there may be several copies. They therefore have an instance name which is unique in relation to the class. Their position is expressed in pixels.
For all widgets, it is possible to statically create instances directly in the desktop.properties file. In this case, it is possible to lock these default instantiated modules with the "lock" parameter.
The "lock" parameter is composed by adding the following options:
1 | Prevent access to the widget configuration program if there is one. | 2 | Prevent the deletion of the widget (temporary as it is impossible to definitively delete a static widget). | 4 | Prevent the widget from being moved on the desktop. | 8 | Prevent the widget from being resized. |
Declaration of a shortcut to file explorer, positioned by default at 20,20.
The shortcut cannot be changed but repositioning is authorised (lock=3 - 1+2).
The widget is statically instantiated (instance name: "1") in the list of modules instantiated at start up:
The shortcut parameters are described in the file:
Shortcut.1.title=File explorer
Shortcut.1.top=20 Shortcut.1.left=20
Shortcut.1.startupDirectory=HOME:\\ Shortcut.1.lock=3
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This module is not intended to be instantiated in several copies. The parameters of this module are described in the file in "TaskBar.<parameterName>=<value>" form.
Example: TaskBar.alwaysOnTop=true
Parameter | Default value | Description | alwaysOnTop | True | The taskbar is displayed on top of the active applications. The desktop work area does not take this bar into account. | position | bottom | Position of the taskbar on the desktop (top, bottom, left, right). | allowAlwaysOnTop | True | Determines the rights to access the taskbar display mode in relation to the active applications. Possible values: - True (available), - False (hidden), - user_role_name (available if user is in role). | allowSetPosition | True | Determines the rights to access the management of the taskbar position on the desktop. Possible values: - True (available), - False (hidden), - user_role_name (available if user is in role). | allowCenterOnDesktop | True | Determines the rights to access the option allowing to center an application on the desktop. Possible values: - True (available), - False (hidden), - user_role_name (available if user is in role). | allowPinToTaskbar | True | Determines the rights to access the option allowing to pin an application to the taskbar. Possible values: - true (available), - false (hidden), - user_role_name (available if user is in role). |
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The message display board (MessageLog)
This module is not intended to be instantiated in several copies. The parameters of this module are described in the file in "MessageLog.<parameterName>=<value>" form.
Parameter | Default value | Description | revealAutomatically | True | The log deploys automatically if a new message is sent. | clearOnAppClear | False | Application messages are deleted from the log if the application performs a SEND_MSG *DEL_ALL. | clearOnAppClose | False | Application messages are deleted from the log if the application stops. | displayLevel2Text | True | The level 2 text of the message is displayed (under the level 1 text) when the application performs a SEND_MSG. If the value is "False", the user can view the level 2 text by clicking on the level 1 text. | wrapText | False | If the value is "True", then line breaks are applied (if needed) to level 1 and level 2 texts, so that the texts are fully displayed (i.e. no need to scroll). |

This module is not intended to be instantiated in several copies. The parameters of this module are expressed in the file in "ThemeManager.<parameterName>=<value>" form.
Automatic toggling of the theme only works if the ThemeManager is instantiated (referenced in the "startupModules" key).
The theme selection sub-menu is only available if the ThemeManager contributes to the desktop menu (i.e. if it is also referenced in the "classesModule" key).
Parameter | Default value | Description | theme |
| Internal name of the theme to use or blank to use the default theme. | clearOnAppClear | False | Application messages are deleted from the log if the application performs a SEND_MSG *DEL_ALL. |
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The module is an instantiable widget. The configuration keys are therefore in the following format:
Example for a statically created shortcut
Parameter | Default value | Description | top | 0 | Widget position on the desktop. | left | 0 | Widget position on the desktop. | title |
| Shortcut name. | class |
| Name of program class. It is the launcher associated with the program, in <package>.<IBMNAME>main format. | params |
| Program parameters. | startupDirectory | False | Start-up directory in the VFS. |

Note (PostIt)
The module is an instantiable widget. The configuration keys are therefore in the following format:
Parameter | Default value | Description | top | 0 | Widget position on the desktop. | left | 0 | Widget position on the desktop. | width | 120 | Widget width. | height | 120 | Widget height. | value |
| Note text. |
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Application launcher
The module is an instantiable widget. The configuration keys are therefore in the following format:
Parameter | Default value | Description | top | 0 | Widget position on the desktop. | left | 0 | Widget position on the desktop. | width | 120 | Widget width. | height | 120 | Widget height. | package |
| Package containing the programs to list. | title |
| Launcher title. |

HTML page (IFrame)
The module is an instantiable widget. The configuration keys are therefore in the following format:
The possible options corresponding to the HTML5 attributes accepted on the iframe tag.
Parameter | Default value | Description | top | 0 | Widget position on the desktop. | left | 0 | Widget position on the desktop. | width | 120 | Widget width. | height | 120 | Widget height. | title |
| Frame title. | url |
| URL of document to integrate (iframe src attribute). | sandbox |
| Sandbox attribute value. Possible values: - or "sandbox" attribute value:
- blank or combination of "allow-forms", "allow-same-origin", "allow-scripts" and "allow-top-navigation" options separated by spaces.
| seamless | False | If the value is "true", add the "seamless" attribute (document displayed as if it were an integral part of the web page). | transparent | False | Masks the iframe border and title bar when it is not enabled. Displays only the embedded document on the desktop. |
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