To open this page, click the General tab in the Window properties box.


Data entry


Name of the WINDOW block that appears in the tree view and the program's source view. This name will also be shown in the layout's title bar.

If the name is changed, the modification will be propagated to the source and the layout.



Title displayed in the layout's title bar. The title is not mandatory.

In execution mode, the title bar will contain the title but not the name.



Reduced icon

This button opens a system dialog box which is used to select an image file with the ".ICO" extension.

When the file is opened, the image will be placed in the top left-hand corner of the window.


Window icon

This button opens a system dialog box which is used to select an image file with the ".ICO" extension.

When the file is opened, the image will be visible if you press the Alt+Tab keys, which displays the list of active applications.

This button is not active if the window belongs to the Child window class.


Check boxes



The window will be visible.




The window will be active.


Title bar


The window will have a title bar.


Modifiable size


The user will be able to resize the window.




The proportions of the objects and of the window will not be altered by the resizing.

This check box will only be active if the window is resizable.


System menu


The window will have a system menu.

This check box will only be active if the window has a title bar.


Minimizing box


The window will have a minimizing box in its title bar.

This check box will only be active if the window has a title bar.


Maximizing box


The window will have a maximizing box in its title bar.

This check box will only be active if the window has a title bar.


Help button


The window will have a help button in its title bar.

This check box will only be active if the window has a system menu and has neither a maximizing box nor a minimizing box.


Force redraw objects


Forces all the window's objects to redraw when this latter receives a system redraw instruction.

This property is necessary in order to avoid refresh problems when IMAGE, TEXT, CHECK BOX, RADIO BUTTON LIST or OUTPUT FIELD objects with the OVERLAP property set to true are laid out in the window.


For more information about managing overlapping of graphical objects, consult the working with object overlap section.

This check box is not active for a main window.


Data entry


These two fields define the position of the layout on the screen. The values in these fields are updated whenever the layout is moved. Conversely, if you modify the values in these fields, the layout will be repositioned on the screen.

With Child window class windows, the origin is not the top left corner of the screen, but the origin is the top left corner of the main window's client area.



Width of the layout.

The layout width is automatically increased or reduced whenever the value in this field is modified.

Conversely, if you alter the layout width directly using the handles, the new width will appear in this field.



Height of the layout.

The layout height is automatically increased or reduced whenever the value in this field is modified.

Conversely, if you alter the layout height directly using the handles, the new height will appear in this field.




Defines the window's display mode. The window can be minimized (icon), maximized (full screen) or shown in normal size.

A Child window class window is always shown in normal size when it is created.


Adjust objects

Object adjustment mode when resizing the window. The adjustment must be defined for each object, regardless of whether the mode is "Expanded" or "Custom". In "Expanded" mode, objects are expanded across the whole area of the window.

This option is not active for a main window.


Background color

List containing the available background colors for the layout. With layouts with tabs, the selected color will be applied to all the pages in the layout.

Default: system color.


See also Properties of the Window Graphical Object.



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