Management rule classes are specific to certain object types. When assigning a management rule to an object, only the management rules whose class is compatible with the object are displayed.
The SK (Softkey), IP (Initialize Property) and VP (Validation Property) classes are specific to conceptual and logical properties, and to data types.
The PR (Prompt) class is specific to conceptual properties, logical properties, and to data types used in B mode (input/output fields).
The IC (Functional Integrity Constraint) class is specific to relationships.
The IE (Initialize Entity), VE (Validate Entity), CR (Before Creation), UP (Before Update), DE (Before Delete), and RE (Read) classes are reserved for logical entities.
The BP (Begin Program) and EP (End Program) classes only apply to logical entities, program templates and programs.
The BT, ET, BI, EI, BC, EC, BV, EV, BS and ES classes are specific to transaction templates.
The CA (Calculation rule), CT (Control rule), BE (Behaviour rule), OR (Organizational rule) and TE (Technical rule) classes can qualify any object type.
Objects cannot be assigned the class PM (Parameter), which is only used in 4GL sources, via the INSERT_MR instruction.
Note: The management rules of class BE, OR, TE and IC have only an informative purpose.