To display or modify the accesses to a logical entity used in a layout, select the Access option from the context-sensitive menu in the Work with logical entities dialog box.
Data entry
View name
Name of the view or loading used when generating the data flow.
List containing the names of the graphical objects with one or more LIST type properties affected by the data flow (where at least one of the properties in this LIST property is the value property of a graphical object).
Displays the layout name by default.
Click here to see an example component.
List of the component's other LIST type properties.
By default, this field displays the name of the component's first LIST property.
Example: the Code list object (personalized object) has:
- a NUM_BIN_2 type property X_AXIS,
- a BOOL type property ACTIVE,
- ...,
- a LIST type property CODE1,
- a LIST type property CODE2.
The list of the Code list object's properties will only display the properties CODE1 and CODE2, as they are the only LIST properties.
This list will not be active if the selected component does not have any LIST properties at all.
Access type
List of possible access types. This is the type of loading used when generating the data flow.
This list will not be active if the selected component does not have any LIST properties at all.
This is the loading step used when generating the data flow.
It is between 0 and 1000000.
It is not active if the selected component does not have a LIST type property.
Properties constituting the access
List of the logical properties constituting the access to the logical entity.
These properties are selected from the list of available properties.
A property can be removed using the Remove option in the context-sensitive menu or by double-clicking its name.
Single-selection list.
You can modify the sequence of the properties constituting the access using the Drag and Drop technique.
Available properties
List containing the logical properties in the selected logical entity. Only the logical properties in the current application area will be visible. This list lets you select which properties are used to define the access to the logical entity. You can add a property using the Add option in the context-sensitive menu or by double-clicking its name.
Extended-selection list.
Context-sensitive menus
Properties constituting the access
Transfers the property selected in this list to the available properties list.
Available properties
Transfers the properties selected in this list to the bottom of the list of properties constituting the access.
This button validates any modifications made and closes the dialog box.
This button closes the dialog box without validating any modifications.