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Important: This section only concerns programs generated with Java server parts.


To start the java Middleware daemon, execute the command java com.hardis.middleware.MwServer 3500 MT, where 3500 is the recommended port and MT stands for "Multi-Thread".

We recommend using a port higher than 1024.


    • On the same machine, it is possible to have several instances of the Java server, possibly with different operating modes (MT, MP).
      In this case, you must indicate a different port when running the daemons so that, at client configuration level, the processes use the daemon according to the port specified during definition on the physical server.
    • The DaemonDBG.bat command file lets you start up a Java MT daemon configured to allow program debugging. Click here for more information on configuring the daemon to be used with the Visual Adelia debugger.

Java server programs can be run once the Java Middleware daemon has been started.

Other parameters of the java com.hardis.middleware.MwServer command

Command line syntax:

java com.hardis.middleware.MwServer  <port> MT [-o<timeout (in seconds)>]

<port>: [<Hostname or @IP>:] <Port number>

TCP/IP port on which the Middleware daemon listens.

If a host name or IP address is specified, the daemon only listens at the set address. (Example: if <port> =, the daemon only listens on port 3500 at the address

If no address is specified, or if it is set to, the daemon listens to all available addresses on the machine.

-o<timeout (in seconds)>] : Specifies the timeout beyond which any orphan server processes (i.e. processes whose client parts are no longer responding) are terminated.

If < timeout> is equal to 0, the timeout is deactivated. It is also deactivated if the parameter -o is not specified.

Default: timeout set to 0 second. Minimum value is 60 seconds.

Running the daemon in TLS mode (encrypted connections):

The daemon can be started up so that connections are encrypted.
The parameters relating to secure connections are specified via Java system properties ( parameters of the JVM).
The command parameters are as follows:

-Dadelia.middleware.tls=true : Starting up the daemon in TLS mode. In this mode, communications among client and server programs are encrypted.

-Dadelia.middleware.cert=<certificate_file_name>: name of file containing the certificate string for TLS encryption. The file must be in PEM format.

-Dadelia.middleware.key=<key_file_name>: name of the file containing the private key corresponding to the server certificate. The file must be in PEM (PRIVATE KEY) format.

If the certificate parameters are not provided, the daemon can also use the keystore provided by the standard Java parameters (,,

-Dadelia.middleware.allow-insecure-clients=true: authorizes the connection of clients in version 13.x and 14.0.0 which do not support the TLS protocol.

These clients are not authorized by default and receive a version error.

Important: if this option is specified, the connection is authorized but is not encrypted for clients of a lower version.

Important: if the daemon is started up with a server certificate that is self-signed or signed by a private certification authority, the server or authority certificate must be saved in the client workstation trusted certificate store.

See Middleware operating in TLS mode page for more information.

On a Windows workstation, the Java Middleware daemon is launched as a Windows service.

Java Middleware daemon Windows service parameters:

Installing the service

DeamonJavaService –install [port [-auto | -manual [<user> <password> [<Daemon parameter> [<JVM parameter> [<JVM path>]]]]]]

Port: Middleware daemon TCP/IP listening port (3500 by default)

-auto: Service created in automatic startup mode (default mode)

-manual: Service created in manual startup mode

<user>: Service start profile ("localsystem" by default).
Enter *dft if you wish to use the default value and enter parameters after this parameter.

<password>: Password associated with the startup profile.

Enter *dft if you have specified the value *dft for <user>.

<Daemon parameter>: -o<timeout (in seconds)> (timeout is disabled by default)
Enter *dft if you wish to use the default value and enter parameters after this parameter.

<JVM parameter>: JVM parameters (no specific parameter by default).

If you have several parameters separated by spaces, put the string in quotes. Enter *dft if you wish to use the default value and enter parameters after this parameter.

<JVM path>: Path pointing to the "jre" directory corresponding to the JVM which will be used for the daemon (the JVM installed with Adelia is chosen by default: %ADELIWS%\JDK\jre). If your string contains the space character, put the string in quotes.

Examples :

DaemonJavaService –install

DaemonJavaService -install 3500 -auto  *dft *dft *dft *dft "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7"

DaemonJavaService -install 3500 -auto  MonDomaine\monprofil mordepasse "-o60"  "-XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m" "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7"

Uninstalling the service

DaemonJavaService –uninstall

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