This function sets the name and location of the configuration file to use for SOAP Web service consumption.
Windows client,
Java client,
Adelia Cloud client,
Event Adelia client.
ALPHA(n) |
FileNameDir |
Name of the configuration file to use for SOAP Web service consumption. |
Note: The new file becomes the configuration file for all SOAP service calls run within the Adelia session (process life span). To change the configuration file once more, call this function, passing as argument the name of another file, or the reserved word *BLANK to return to the default file (CfgWebServices.xml).
CALL_DLL 'VaToolbx.dll' 'VaToolBxSetWebServiceConfigFile' 'c:\tmp\myCfgFile.xml'
Defines the file 'c:\tmp\myCfgFile.xml' as the configuration file for SOAP Web service consumption.
CALL_DLL 'VaToolbx.dll' 'VaToolBxSetWebServiceConfigFile' *BLANK
Redefines the file 'CfgWebServices.xml' as the configuration file for SOAP Web service consumption.
List of the VaToolBx functions by topic
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