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To display, create or modify the access to a logical entity, click the Access button of the Assigned entities dialog box.


Data entry

View name

Name of the view created when generating the data flow.

If no name is specified, the system will provide the following default name: entity name + code (two characters).

This name is used by the Adelia 4GL in read, write and load instructions.



Access type

Fill-in criterion for the current logical entity.

Default: "None".



Code of the format containing the properties of the current logical entity.

Mandatory selection.


Properties constituting the access

List of the properties defining the access to the current logical entity.

To remove a property from the list, select it then activate the Remove button. The property is then transferred to the list of available properties.

The sequence of properties in the list can be modified.

Extended-selection list.


Available properties

List of the properties which can be selected to define the access to the current logical entity.

Select a property in the list then activate the Add button. The property is then transferred to the list of properties constituting the access.

Extended-selection list.




This button adds the property selected in the list of available properties to the list of properties constituting the access.

This button is not active when no property is selected in the list of available properties.



This button removes the selected property from the list of properties constituting the access and transfers it to the list of available properties.

This button is not active when no property is selected in the list of properties constituting the access.


Modify (validation)

This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.

However, data is only updated when the list in the Assigned entities dialog box is validated.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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