To work with the list of specified and authorized software engineers for an environment, you need to either:
Select the Software engineers option from the Administration menu.
Click the Software engineers tab in the Administration manager window.
Important: Only administrators can change the information in this window.
Software engineers
List of all the software engineers specified for this environment.
Extended-selection list.
Context-sensitive menu
The following options are accessible at all times via the context-sensitive menu.
In addition, there may be buttons to perform the same actions on the right-hand side of the window, depending on the settings in the Create/Modify a software engineer dialog box's Preferences tab.
This option opens a dialog box which is used to create a new software engineer in the environment and to give him the required authorities.
This option opens a dialog box which is used to display or modify the general characteristics of the selected software engineer, and from which the software engineer's authorities on the various application areas can be controlled.
This option is not active when no software engineer is selected in the list.
This option opens a dialog box which is used to create a new software engineer with the same authorities as the original software engineer.
This option is not active when no software engineer is selected in the list.
This option deletes the selected software engineer from the list of software engineers specified for the environment.
The software engineer then loses all his authorities for this environment. Any object formerly owned by the deleted software engineer is automatically transferred to the software engineer which performed the deletion.
This option is not active when no software engineer is selected in the list.