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To assign resources to an installation, select the Assign option in the resources list context-sensitive menu in the Resources in the installation dialog box.




List of resources available in the environment that can be assigned to the installation.

Resources whose destination is *NONE cannot be assigned.

Therefore, in a Visual Adelia type installation, only the following resources can be assigned:

    • Windows client,

    • Java client,

    • Windows server,

    • Java server.

In an Adelia Web Studio installation, only the following resources can be assigned:

    • Web client,

    • Windows server,

    • Java server.

In an Adelia Mobile Studio installation, only the following resources can be assigned:

    • Mobile client,

    • Windows server,

    • Java server.

A filter above the list can be used to restrict what is displayed.

Multiple-selection list.


Context-sensitive menus


This option assigns all the resources selected in the list to the installation.




This button assigns all the resources selected in the list to the installation.



This button opens a dialog box containing a list of the application areas in the environment. The user can select or deselect application areas as required.

This enables the resources list to be restricted by reinitializing it on the basis of the selected application areas.



Closes the dialog box without assigning any resources.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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