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To find a character string in a number of sources at once, select the Multisource search option in the 4GL Editor's File menu.


The procedure will search the following source types:

  • program,

  • macro-instruction,

  • management rule,

  • program template,

in the current application area or the repository.


The Multisource search's functions are set out in four tabs:

The basic principle for using the multisource search is:

  • The first tab is used to define the search criteria for the objects you want to find, and to start the search.

  • The second and third tabs are used to display the results of a search (the user chooses which page receives the search results; this page is reset for each new search).

  • The fourth tab is used to combine the results returned by a number of searches so that they can be stored.

The multisource search always opens showing the first tab.


To display any of these pages, just click the relevant tab.


The buttons described below are valid for the whole multisource search window, whichever tab is active.




This button closes the Multisource search.



This button lets you stop a search in progress.

It is disabled when no search is in progress. If it is not activated by the user, it will be disabled again at the end of the search.


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