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This function retrieves the name of the first program in the list of programs analyzed by the project. It is intended to be called in the "END" input point in order to read and total the values of certain project-level program metrics.

You must then iteratively call the QMQueryNextProgram function to scan the list.


The use of the QMQueryFirstProgram and QMQueryNextProgram functions, associated with functions used to poll the value of a program metric, is the recommended method for calculating the value of a project-level metric by totaling program-level metrics.


By default, in delta mode, not all programs are necessarily processed. If you simply progressively total a metric on program-related expansion points, you run the risk of generating erroneous project-level values. The QMQueryFirstProgram and QMQueryNextProgram functions provide access to the complete list of programs included in the project being analyzed, with the exception of excluded or no-source programs.



  • Windows client,

  • Windows server.



- ALPHA(n)


Name of the first program in the list.



Return code for the operation:

*TRUE if the operation was run successfully.

*FALSE if the operation failed.





CALL_DLL 'qualmgrtoolbx' 'QMQueryFirstProgram' PGMNAME ReturnCode


DO_WHILE ReturnCode


   CALL_DLL 'qualmgrtoolbx' 'QMQueryNextProgram' PGMNAME ReturnCode





The QualMgrToolBx DLL


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