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This function is used to set the pattern of a date (position of day, month and year information).


Note: We do not recommend using this function in an AJAX event processing block because it leads to the page being only partially refreshed.



  • Adelia Web client





String describing the date format (n>=3)

- Letter 'D' for the day position,

- Letter 'M' for the month position,

- Letter 'Y' for the year position.

(E.g. 'DMY' or 'YMD')



Return code for the operation:

*TRUE   if the operation was completed successfully.

*FALSE  if it was not.



DatePattern= 'DMY'


CALL_DLL 'VaToolBx' 'VaToolBxAwsSetDatePattern' DatePattern ReturnCode


=> sets the date pattern in DDMMYYYY. Then, the representation of a DATE type variable with the value 20180116 is as follows (the separator used is that associated with the current (language/country) pair or that last set using the VaToolBxAwsSetDecimalSeparatorChar function): 16/01/2018


List of the VaToolBx functions by topic


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