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Using SQL instructions allows you to access a query written in accordance with the SQL syntax in an Adelia program, and to retrieve the result of the execution of this query.


Two methods of work are possible:

  • Integration of SQL instruction blocks in the models.
    Each SQL instruction is delimited by a beginning and an end of block. The result of an SQL query in a model is exploited in an autonomous way.

  • Automatic loading of subfiles from SQL queries.
    The SQL query is integrated in Adelia instructions to load an update or display subfile. This means of working will retrieve the selected information from a specified query, and will automatically load the subfile.

In both cases, when handling data with SQL instructions, the name of variables internal to the file must be specified. Only host variables (qualified in SQL queries by the character ":") must be followed by their guide word used by the Adelia language.


For every SQL query, we recommend testing the queries before integrating them into the models.


This is because SQL syntax is very strict with respect to spaces, commas, etc. It is not checked by the Adelia source editor. Any errors can stop the model generation process or prevent the SQL query from being executed.


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