This function returns the calculation result on a sequence's element values.
The sequence must be a Hash object sequence.
The applied calculation may be:
- Calculation of the maximum element value (max);
- Calculation of the minimum element value (min);
- Calculation of the sum of the element values (sum);
- Calculation of the average of the element values (avg);
- Calculation of the number of element values (count);
- Calculation of the number of separate element values (separatecount);
- Calculation of the sample variance of the element values (samplevariance);
- Calculation of the sample standard deviation of the element values (samplestandarddeviation);
- Calculation of the population variance of the element values (populationvariance);
- Calculation of the population standard deviation of the element values (populationstandarddeviation);
- Calculation of the median of the element values (median);
- Calculation of the value with the highest occurrence of the element values (mode);
- Pearson correlation coefficient calculation between two sets of element values (pearsonscorrelation);
- Calculation of the covariance between two sets of element values (covariance);
- Calculation of the weighted mean of a set of element values according to another set of element values (weightedmean).
This function can be executed:
- Either in the nested content of groupHeader/groupFooter macros. In this case the sequence of elements taken into account to apply the calculation is the sub-sequence defined by the group associated with groupHeader/groupFooter macros. To do this, the loop variable used to identify the current group in the groupHeader/groupFooter macros needs to be passed as a parameter of this macro.
- Or outside the nested content of a groupList macro. In this case, the element sequence taken into account to apply the calculation is a sequence passed as a parameter. The calculation applies to all the elements in this sequence.
To identify the values to take into account for the calculation, a Hash object attribute name belonging to the sequence needs to be passed as a parameter. You also need to make sure that the attribute value type is compatible with the chosen calculation type.
String |
colNameToSummarize |
Name of the Hash object attribute in the sequence used to extract the values for applying the calculation |
Mandatory |
String/Hash |
computeType |
Calculation type. If this parameter is String type, it must take a value from max, min, sum, avg, count, separatecount , samplevariance, samplestandarddeviation, populationvariance, populationstandarddeviation, median, mode, pearsonscorrelation, covariance, weightedmean.
Hash/Hash sequence |
summaryLocation |
When this function is used in a groupHeader/groupFooter macro, this parameter is the loop variable identifying the current group in groupHeader/groupFooter. |
For example
<#assign seqData = [{"name": "mary", "age": 18}, {"name": "Lucy", "age": 19}, {"name": "Mark", "age": 19}, {"name": "Charlie", "age": 17}, {"name": "Aaron", "age": 18}, {"name": "Tess", "age": 16}, {"name": "Isaac", "age": 16} ]/> <#assign orderingCriteria = {"name": "original_order_by_age", "colName": "age", "order":"o"} /> <@hardisAdv.groupList .data_model.seqData orderingCriteria; aPerson> <@hardisAdv.groupHeader "original_order_by_age"; infoGroupOriginalOrderByAge> Group of ${ infoGroupOriginalOrderByAge .label}: ${ hardisAdv.summary("age", "count", infoGroupOriginalOrderByAge) } people </@hardisAdv.groupHeader> ${} has ${ aPerson.age } </@hardisAdv.groupList>