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To display details of the current object, you must either:

  • Click the Information button in the object creation/modification dialog box.

  • Select the Information option from the object list's context-sensitive menu, in a version manager's correction definition dialog box.

  • Select the Information option from the object list's context-sensitive menu, in the Multisource search dialog box, Results (1 and 2) or Storage tab, and in the Maintenance manager dialog box, Results (1 and 2) or Storage tab.

This dialog box is for information purposes only. Depending on the current environment, it contains either one or three tabs:

  • If the dialog box is called from an environment that is not part of a version manager, only the Properties tab will be displayed.

  • If the dialog box is called from an environment in a version manager (production, correction or development environment), two additional tabs will be displayed.

An object's details are set out on between one and three pages:

To display any of these pages, just click the relevant tab.

The buttons described below are valid for the whole dialog box, whichever tab is active.



This button closes the dialog box.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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