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To open the Session manager, you must either:

Note: If the environment has just been created (i.e. if it has never been opened via Session Manager), the Environment Configuration Wizard is run automatically, to guide the user through the environment's initial configuration process.

Session Manager opens when the environment configuration process is complete. The Configuration Wizard is not displayed, however, when the environment is opened on subsequent occasions.


The Session manager is an application that lets you run the various utilities and applications relating to a particular environment.

The environment name is shown in the window's title bar.

This window contains a menu bar, a tool bar and a tree list.


Menu bar

The menu bar contains:

    • The Administration menu .

    • The Utilities menu .

    • the Display menu.
      This menu lets you hide or display the tool bar and menu bar.
      When the menu bar is hidden, the system menu contains an additional option that lets you reveal the menu bar again.


Tool bar

The tool bar lets you call the tools in the Administration and Utilities menus directly.

You can customize its contents by right-clicking on it. A dialog box showing all the available tools is displayed; simply check the tools that you want to appear.


Tree list

The tree list lets you run applications relating to the Conceptual, Logical and Physical Data Models for a given application area, plus the 4GL editor, the Object manager and the Documentation manager.

The first node in the list contains the 'favorite' applications, i.e. the most frequently used ones.

Each of the following nodes corresponds to an application area in the environment. The terminal nodes, or leaves, represent the aforementioned applications.

There is one other node, representing the environment's repository, that can only be used to open the Documentation manager.

You can change the order of the favorites and application areas in the list by dragging and dropping them as required.


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Context-sensitive menu for a favorite application


Runs the selected application.

This is the default option, which can also be accessed by double-clicking the relevant icon.


Create shortcut on desktop

Creates a shortcut on the desktop.

This shortcut can be used to run the application without opening the Adelia folder and the Session manager.



Deletes the application from the favorites list.


Context-sensitive menu for an application in an application area


Runs the selected application.

This is the default option, which can also be accessed by double-clicking the relevant icon.


Add to favorites

Adds the application to the favorites list.


Create shortcut on desktop

Creates a shortcut on the desktop.

This shortcut can be used to run the application without opening the Adelia folder and the Session manager.


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