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To specify the export criteria for constants and/or error messages, click the Export button in the decentralized translation tool's main window.



Check boxes


If this box is checked, the constant export feature is enabled and the export criteria can be specified.



If this box is checked all the constants managed in the translation manager will be exported.


Dictionary constants

If this box is checked, the dictionary constants (managed in the Adelia constant dictionary) will be exported.



Programs sublist

This button opens a dialog box that lets you select the programs from which the constants will be extracted.


Radio buttons


Lets you select the constants that will be exported.

Possible values:


All the constants will be exported.


Only the constants that have been translated into the selected language will be exported.


Only the constants that have not been translated into the selected language will be exported.


Default value: "All".


Error messages

Check boxes

Error messages

If this box is checked, the error message export feature is enabled and the export criteria can be specified.



If this box is checked all the error messages managed in the translation manager will be exported.



Application areas sublist

This button opens a dialog box that lets you select the application areas from which the error messages will be exported.


Radio buttons


Lets you select the error messages that will be exported.

Possible values:


All the error messages will be exported.


Only the error messages that have been translated into the selected language will be exported.


Only the error messages that have not been translated into the selected language will be exported.


Default value: "All".





Clicking this button displays a message prompting you to confirm the export request, and then opens a Windows selection box that lets you specify file names for each of the two possible exports (constants and/or error messages). These file names are not specified by default. You can either select existing files (which will be overwritten by the export procedure) or create new files.

By default, the file selection windows used when exporting constants and/or error messages show the directory indicated in the TEMP environment variable (e.g. c:\winnt\temp) when they are opened. Naturally, it is possible to specify a different directory in which to save these export files.

Clicking Save starts the export procedure.

Clicking Cancel interrupts the export procedure and returns you to the export criteria selection box.


Note: At the end of the export procedure, a Windows message is displayed, telling whether the operation was performed successfully. In the event of failure, the list of errors can be found in the file that has the same name as the export file, but wearing the extension ".log" (instead of ".xls") and located in the export directory.



Closes the dialog box without validating your selections.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.



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