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The file of files is created, used and maintained by the programmer in charge of writing the naming convention programs.

Working with a file of files in Adelia Studio is the same as working with any other file generated via the LPM (creation of a logical entity and its associated properties, generation of the physical file and of the required accesses associated with the selected DBMS).

The programmer will also have to write an interactive ADELIA or VADELIA program in order to be able to maintain the created file of files (add record, modify, delete, display).


In a multi-station environment, the file of files must be shared by all the developers working on the same environment.


The file of files must then be duplicated on all the workstations whenever it is modified.

It is also possible to refer to an AS/400-format file of files stored on an AS/400 server. However, in this case, the performances obtained will be significantly lower.


Important note:

For ADELIA programs:

    • When the LDM is generated, if a file of files is used, you must not forget to start up the server giving access to this file (either a Btrieve server or an AS/400 server).

For VADELIA programs:

    • When programs are generated in local mode and a file of files is used, you must not forget to specify the default database to configure the server;
    • When programs are generated in client/server mode (Windows or AS/400) and a file of files is used, you must not forget to configure the client on your development workstation.

      In both cases, the configuration file (server or client) is located in the "\adeliws" directory or in the Path.


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